Pokémon Go has been through the wringer since its troubled release in July, 2016. A major complaint: Players…
From karate chops to roundhouse kicks, cinema has seen its share of martial arts fights. Now, it’s time to look at…
If Pokémon had existed in 19th century Japan, perhaps fans would’ve collected prints like these.
More than 40 artists from around the world come together for Back to Bits, a curated art project exploring video…
Without hearing a single note, you can probably hum the Super Mario Brothers or Legend of Zelda theme. Nintendo’s…
Team Instinct is, by most available metrics, the smallest of Pokemon Go’s three factions. They are, if nothing else,…
Clocking in at only 55 seconds, this Metroid fan anime clip might be super short, but it sure does provide a nice…
On May 28, Splatoon was released in Japan one year ago. Players fell in love, got damn good, and the game became a…
Overwatch isn’t only capturing people’s imagination in the West. The game is also gaining a following in Japan and…
Paul “Otaking” Johnson, the guy who made that amazing one-man Tie Fighter tribute last year, has just released his…
More than 30 animators brought in their unique styles for the Reanimation Project’s attempt to remake the beloved…
This is virtuosity. Truly.
Coming June 1, the LEGO Minecraft Village is a $199 box containing 1,600 pieces used to create something an…
Some of our most memorable times with video games have little to do with the game itself, and everything to do with…
Today is April 1st. Know what that means? Internet hijinks everywhere online, including in Japan.
This digital painting, created by veteran artist TsaoShin, will be used to demonstrate art techniques at today’s Anim…
JRPGs are games designed to use a bunch of talking and combat as an excuse to blast killer soundtracks at you for…