Cousin Ruben from Skokie

Would you rather see a AAA pitcher throw in a mop up game or Carlos Gomez?

You are aware of the 40 man roster correct? So instead of having 2-3 relievers jumping back and forth between AAA and MLB like the Cubs have been doing this year for example, just keep them with the big league club.

I do wonder about the talent pool in baseball as well for expansion. That being said managers are not choosing to have position players pitch because their are no good pitchers. They are choosing to use these guys to save their bullpen arms, which actually is smart managing but bad for the product on the field.

If luck you mean best lineup in the NL, then yes you are right!

Ball in glove, foot on the bag. 

Trayvon tweet was a fake, so apologies on my end for being duped by the internet.

Turns out the Trayvon tweet was photoshopped. So there’s that.

I appreciate your biography but that doesn’t mean your take is not any less wrong.

Your response should have been “Shit, I didn’t see the anti gay tweets and the Trayvon Martin Truther tweet, my bad, fuck this guy.”

This one is confusing to me because he knows the innocent people being gunned down in Chicago are also black right?

Now playing

Hey Square, that was the best sentence in the whole thing.

And the funny thing is Bud Norris and Matheny won’t even be around the Cardinals when he ditches the team because of this.

You started off so smug and so wrong and now you are a little less smug and still just as wrong.

My handle is a character from Risky Business, dude.

I actually kind of get this one. Cervelli is sitting there listening to this dude bitch and moan and it is probably getting kind of boring so he’s like fuck it let me stand up, walk away and let this guy do his thing. Then Eaton sees the catcher walk away and now he is being shown up so he says something to him

US Soccer fandom has an elitism issue and it’s reflected in the comments section of this article.

I lived in Chicago for 10 years. In that time I never stepped foot in St. Louis because why?

When you list the Brooklyn, NY, Orlando and Phoenix front office decisions to back up your argument you know you have lost the debate.

When does the Warriors window close and we can all watch basketball again? When Klay and Draymond become Free Agents?