He didn’t get an offer because he tore his achilles which is historically a career alternating injury! There is a difference between not being the right fit for a team like New Orleans and being a cancer.
He didn’t get an offer because he tore his achilles which is historically a career alternating injury! There is a difference between not being the right fit for a team like New Orleans and being a cancer.
Ever since he was traded to NO and AD vouched for him the cancer label has been shed. You also have to look at the franchise where he got that label? One of the most inept franchises in all major sports. If you showed up everyday to work and your boss sucked and you co-workers made your job harder for you you might be…
He was a refugee from the South Sudan when he moved to Australia when he was a little kid.
Yeah you are right, so sounds like he got off the plane and just started booking it since Geneva is almost 5 hours away by car. Wondering if he was headed towards the Canada border.
TMZ obtained records showing that William Jenkins was arrested in upstate New York at 1:46 a.m. Tuesday on an “unrelated parole warrant issue.”
As a Cubs fan, bless Javy Baez, I’m sure he is annoying to other teams because he is cocky and flips his bat, blah blah blah. But the guy straight up hustles. As long as he continues to stretch doubles into triples, steals home, dives after foul balls and makes acrobatic plays, I’m his biggest fan.
He beat the guy to the bag so looks like it was the right move.
I think they justify Heyward in the lineup because he does play elite RF. But again the guy is actually hitting so far this year, and if Heyward hits above average I think you play him over Happ.
This is my whole point, the Cubs are the Cubs, they are not the Pirates or the Rays. They can eat a 180 million dollar contract and still sign Harper. Is it fair? No. But it’s the cards they were dealt and the Cubs won the WS with Heyward playing like shit, they can win it again with him batting 8th and playing great…
It doesn’t though. You think Heyward’s contract means they won’t be a serious contender for Harper this winter? Besides ticket and beer prices how does it effect you as a fan? And to be clear I am pretty sure the ticket and beer prices are reflective of the product on the field, the supply and demand to go to a Cubs…
The Cubs print money Bruh. So unless you are Roscoe Ricketts and Uncle Tom is spending all your trust fund money, not sure why you care about the contract.
I don’t think you are actually looking for an answer but the answer I believe is that when the D Backs hit the Pirates player no warnings were issued to the teams by the umpire as the umpire most had determined it was unintentional.
Listen, it is illegal to exhibit any sort of excitement about a potential bounce-back from Jason Heyward until he actually finishes a full season with an OPS over .800.
It’s been cold at Wrigley and the wind has been blowing in more often that not I believe. Also a handful of rainouts, he will be right around 30 again is my guess.
She does know flannel shirts are a lesbian stereotype right??
I found myself asking what $270M even is anymore.
As someone who was not smart enough to be a math tutor, but smart enough not to need a math tutor, I have no idea what the heck you are talking about.