When I was in film school almost 10 years ago I emailed Jim Bouton about seeing if he knew how I could get my hands on the scripts or tapes of the “Ball Four” TV show that was made in the 70's. His response was beautiful.
When I was in film school almost 10 years ago I emailed Jim Bouton about seeing if he knew how I could get my hands on the scripts or tapes of the “Ball Four” TV show that was made in the 70's. His response was beautiful.
Nah the Braves will just make the taxpayers pay for it.
Greece and Spain have pro American Football leagues?
These two things are not mutually exclusive.
I think I understand what you are trying to say but I’m sorry you are missing the mark here. And when I say miss the mark, I mean MISSING THE FUCKING MARK.
Adam Pally was #notonbrand
That’s insane.
They aren’t looking for sympathy they are looking for change.
This comment should be framed and titled “2018".
Such amazingly circular logic there.
Here’s the thing, you thought of the “joke”, then posted it under the guise of someone else making the joke when in fact you thought of it. So that means the racist comment is yours. So own it.
Life is so much more enjoyable if you allow yourself to have some fun, I promise.
I watched the clip, he says it offends him morally, ethically and legally. Understood. The NCAA and anyone who profits off the unpaid players, Walton included, offends me morally and ethically.
Bill Walton who gets paid lots of money to talk about college basketball players compares a college basketball player getting paid to a brawl between fans and players. Got it...
When you don’t understand why someone or something is a certain way as it does not make sense. The answer is usually money.
Oh God no. Kawhi to the Lakers? Is that was this means. I think that’s what this means.
Linda: Bill what do you want for dinner?
As the great TO once said, Kick Rocks.
Yo if this whole basketball thing doesn’t work out for Lebron I think he has a future as a copywriter(maybe)!
So the Giants still don’t have a CF...