Cousin Ruben from Skokie

Odds on when Fox News just has their female contributors go topless while spewing ignorant racist bullshit?

In off the court quote replacement, Michael Beasley, Enes Kanter and a healthy Joakim Noah can more than produce the quotes that the NYC press needs.

No one. And the case isn’t against the basketball players.

That was taken verbatim from the federal law. But now thinking a little more deeply I think what they are actually being charged with is money laundering as Tim Burke mentioned in the comment above.

It’s all about the bribes. Which aren’t just shady, but illegal.

I was going to say the same thing. However, the camera made out of a box of sunflower seeds is pretty ingenious.

Republicans might by a black man’s shoe, but racists don’t. He’s not losing shit.

Are you Kato’s cousin?

The Yankees will blame the Grandparents to protect themselves. You blame the Grandparents for what? Internet stars?

I’m so glad you were able to blame everyone in one take.

Unrelated. But how come on Sundays everyone wears the football jersey of the team they are supporting at the airport.

The real story is Teddy Atlas knocked Stephen A. Smith the fuck out in the sport of TV screaming.

The idea of sitting in a living room with 10 people who are armed does not make me feel safer... but maybe that’s just me.

Something has happened, and I don’t think it’s 100% kosher... this is something else entirely, and some people are beginning to call bullshit, with cause.

I stopped. It’s easy.

I vote “The Head”.

This is the best.

Watch his play the day before from the first base angle, on a grounder that brushed of Bryant’s glove. He drops to a first baseman’s stretch while the ball is in the air, signals an out and then holds the pose for the camera to soak it up. Whatta a cheeseball!

I mean it could be a genius marketing plan? Like now I kind of want to watch the fight just to see if this is real or not.

I mean this is all some evil genius plan right? Like he knows Mayweather is looking at this clip and is just trolling us all?