Cousin Ruben from Skokie

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on some fucking ugly rocks. Maybe donate the money to help the homeless “problem” the Padres clearly think they have in San Diego.

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It wasn’t Ronaldo it was some British teenager who had a freaky friday moment with Ronaldo the other day, don’t you know anything!!!

I’m pretty sure it’s an open secret Barnes won’t be back with GS. The only people that don’t seem to know that are Warrior’s fans...

Cousin Ruben coming in with a hot take. Warriors lost 9 games in the regular season, they have lost 7 already in the playoffs. In order for the Cavs to win the series they will need to beat the Warriors 2 more times, totaling 9 losses in the playoffs and equaling their loss total in the regular season. What does this

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Not only is Lebron not Jordan, he isn’t even Pippen. Now that’s a step-over!(I’m trolling Cavs fans)

Don’t put your balls in someone’s face, probably less likely to get punched there.

All things even, Lebron is the one who put his balls on Green’s head. Very rarely do I agree with Barkley, but Lebron was asking for a cup check with the step-over.

The most offensive thing about this video is the fact that this was filmed with all of them being fucking backlit from the sunny window behind them! Even an 11 year old with an IG account knows you face the light when you make your stupid little video with your friends saying racist shit sitting on the couch...

You must be real fun at parties.

Especially when those half dozen players are the most popular players in the league... also this:

I think it is more like Tom knows the rules of basketball unlike you? I have bolded the important parts for you...

“Clean and legitimate” as in a moving screen?

I love this kind of insight. You and your buddy have never done something while playing shitty pickup basketball. Next time you start a sentence with “Me and my buddy were discussing...” call it in to your local AM talk radio.

You must have missed these:

It’s not about Lebron’s actual basketball play. He is obviously an amazing basketball player. I think the difference is this a “leader” who will throw shade at the other top players on the team, get his buddy a max contract for basically just rebounding, get his coach fired midseason so his other buddy can coach, etc.

Albert, the other question I have, (as a white male for the record) is does Delly get a little bit of a pass because he is a (relatively) shrimpy little white dude running around with more larger and for the most not white guys.

Enforcer?? Did you see the look in his eyes after the slap, he looks up to the sky as though he is praying to the Australian Heavens and is literally saying to himself, “Oh shit, I actually hit the tip of Iggy’s dick. I am nowgoing to die.”

You know there is a difference between hitting a basketball cleanly and hitting testicles cleanly right? (Not a Cavs fan, not a Warriors fan, just a guy with good vision)

I just stopped crying long enough to be able to write this.

Nope. Wrong.