I’m wondering what sort of “consulting services” he offered to Ariana Grande, and why he was surprised and offended that she turned him down? How to be the most loathed person in LA? That would not help a singer/aspiring actor’s career.
I’m wondering what sort of “consulting services” he offered to Ariana Grande, and why he was surprised and offended that she turned him down? How to be the most loathed person in LA? That would not help a singer/aspiring actor’s career.
I still think it’s all a con. If you read the serious conservative media, like “National Review,” there are rational arguments to be made about why Trump was correct to make some of the decisions he did. I don’t believe it but I read it anyway. Conway is such a babbling, incoherent mess that I’m not sure she even…
Did you catch the brief scene where a young Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in a group with Gloria Steinem I think? I don’t think she has lines, but Steinem says Ruth and the actor, like they all did, bore an uncanny resemblance to her character, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
You can do it, even in New York in 2020, but you’ll be living with many roommates in a sketchy neighborhood. Some of the Get/Out Media writers and lots of commenters mention roommates. I know of a situation up in Boston where three recent college graduates are renting a one-bedroom apartment. Two share a bedroom and…
One of my siblings is very indulgent to my “crazy uncle” clothing whims for her children. When they were young I’d tell my sister to buy them whatever they wanted for their birthdays and Christmas (within reason) and then I’d scour the Gap’s children’s section. It was wild from about 2000—2005. I remember buying a…
I thought I would absolutely hate it too but it was mesmerizing. The talent was off the charts. A lot of time is given to Shirley Chisholm, Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, and Betty Friedan, so the other side is well represented. And a sub-plot deals with how the Republican party, which used to be, even under Nixon, a…
Pride is one of the seven deadly sins and vanity falls under that. I’m sure she has read extensively through the works of St. Thomas Aquinas, who had a lot to say about the seven deadly sins.
Scowly! See my reply above to Ignatius Reilly’s Valve in the comment thread Jinni started. Jinni’s is at the top as I write this. I summarize what I learned about Schlafly from the most excellent Hulu miniseries “Mrs. America.” You might not be able to get to it as I’m in the grays...
Mike Pence describes himself (and presumably Mother) as a charismatic Catholic. I had no idea they existed either until Mike Pence brought it up.
If you saw the excellent “Mrs. America” miniseries on Hulu you’ll kind of understand how this works. Phyl’s husband Fred was a successful lawyer, they were both devout Catholics, and had six kids. Her initial obsession was anti-Communism, and her activism came through a newsletter, “The Schlafly Report,” which she…
Because the writer has never actually watched the show and this is a cobbled together pastiche of “news” reported elsewhere?
Six is ideal and, along with space considerations, is the reason why so many dining room tables are built to seat six. We have a round dining room table and it seats six. We went with a round one because we had people over all the time and with a round table you’re not necessarily trapped next to someone you might not…
I think this is a moot point because the President and the Vice President can’t be from the same state. I think in 2016 both were residents of New York state.
This finally explains the header pic. He looks like someone who would pull into Newport or some marina in Florida, not entirely sober, wander into the nearest tavern, order a couple more drinks, and start harassing the young woman behind the bar.
That’s interesting about The Party Guest. Binghamton! I’ve actually been, but only once, and as part of a road trip.
Did your grandmother ever make mock apple pie? It’s made with Ritz crackers. My mother’s sister-in-law, her brother’s wife, used to make those. My mother tried it more than once but it wasn’t very good, to her frustration. Maybe I’ll try to make one, now that it’s cooler, but I don’t think I’ve seen a box of Ritz…
It’s gotten a little chilly here too so last night I made meat loaf. We had a lot of ground beef to use up and I was sick of cheeseburgers and tacos. I have a terrible confession: Instead of breadcrumbs I grind up Cheez-Its™ and use those as the binding agent. I learned this from my mother. She also used to use…
Scowly! You’re back!
Animal charities. They never give up. If you’re feeling especially vindictive, sign her up for PETA announcements, because they bring with it QAnon levels of craziness. Go the extra mile and try to get on the mailing list of Ingrid Newkirk, the head of PETA. Pure, undiluted craziness straight from the tap.
Whenever I see a mundane food photo (like the header image) I amuse myself by creating a little backstory. For that one, I imagine that the yellow drink with the red-and-white straw is the child’s second Long Island Iced Tea.