
Before getting to the video, can we just address this one ourselves? See, movies aren’t real. A character can die in a movie and then appear in another movie.

I recall that Jackie dated Hyde and kind of forgot about Fez. But “classic” That 70s Show to me is when she was dating Kelso. I get why they went back to that dynamic (especially since the actors are married in real life) and honestly, I cannot imagine too many people getting up in arms about “canon” and what “should

No notes, this sounds great. 

To be honest, I find this modern fascination with True Crime and serial killers to be quite noxious overall. Partly because of what Isbell says, that the proliferation of these stories are clearly influenced by people seeing the opportunity to make a lot of money off stories that aren’t owned by anyone(though morally

Zero value in producing a show like this. Money grab and sensationalism at the expense of those still grappling with trauma. So glad he met his end in prison.

Apparently holding off on the sequel until “the time was right to recast” was unthinkable, I guess because Disney needs to keep printing money

Sure as hell feels like a burn, but I’m not sure how. 

I’m sad for the actors and crew, but the show was badly written and suffered from the same problem as the “Tales of the City” reboot (sequel?). It shoehorned in too many flavors of young, impossibly-attractive, multi-hyphenate representational characters who don’t exist anywhere but in the minds of virtue-signaling ube

These shows absolutely have their place, but I’m looking forward to us moving away from queer media based on very niche and specific groups of gay men/women/enbies, and having us just be main characters in mainstream stories that rely on plot points besides our sexuality, and community.

As important as both original versions of QAF were to me growing up, I just couldn’t bring myself to watch this. As a Floridian, Pulse still feels like yesterday. With mass shootings still being so frequent it feels unconscionable to me to use a nightclub shooting as the setup for this. QAF covered some very serious

I doff my cap to your knowledge. I did watch Charmed for a while but I didn't stick with it (clearly).

Sounds like Ellen is more DeSelfish than DeGenerous. 

I wouldn’t Grantham parole either.

This was enraging. That Doctor sounds like a class-A dickhead.

Another shocking part of this is the idea that hospitals can not only withhold treatment, but also advise OTHER hospitals to withhold treatment, from patients.

Hospitals snitching out on women in pain just to keep them viable for child bearing. Sounds like something out of dystopian movie but this is the future if the GOP/Conservatives/MAGAs/Evangelicals/et al have their way.

Yes, actually. No different from the “gatekeeping” that Black folks rightly do when white “blaccent”-using influencers and celebrities try to score cultural cool points while experiencing none of the challenges of being Black in America.

Especially when it feels that his gender play is served up for the female gaze, something he’s basked in since his boy band days. He’s not in a dress on the cover of GQ or Interview, you know? I support his right to wear whatever he wants for whatever reason he wants, but I agree that Billy Porter had the right read

“Guy good at one thing isn’t so good at other thing”

I just feel us Queer people don’t have time for his middling response to things. Maybe he is Queer, or maybe it is marketing, either way I don’t think Billy Porter was far off with his read of the double standard of when a straight passing person is accepted for gender play, and those read as behaving Queer beyond