
And John Mulaney declined his wife’s request that he not get another woman pregnant.

Honestly I have gotten so use to wearing a mask that even if they said Covid is gone tomorrow, I think I’d still wear it in an indoor public place just to reduce my chance of getting the flu or a cold.  

Michelle, GIRL, DTMFA.

This take, while widespread, is incredibly ableist.

Me, I’m sittin’ here like...”This is gonna blow no matter what race she is.”

Right?!?...Moms didn’t seem too pressed about it either, I’m sure she realized that security was just doing their job as well. 

Why is this a story? How was he supposed to know she was her mother? I did a short stint working security for events like this a long time ago and it’s not like they provide the guards with a list of names + photos of people associated with whatever celebrities are there. The goal is to keep the wrong people out and

I am going to be an ass about it. It came off as performative, attention seeking, and something that garnered headlines. Almost as if she didn’t genuinely feel that way to begin with. I agree with what Nilus said, it felt like queerbaiting.

She needs to spend a few years just chilling. Every album is accompanied by “THIS time it’s the real me! No one’s controlling Demi Lovato anymore!”  I don’t think she knows what she wants.

Yeah right until the next cycle of songs, the one where we see the real Demi.

“slimy bookworm lookin’ child molestin’ bastard”

Mama, they’re all in last place

Lame as fuck. It was really cool, distinctive, and well delivered. They absolutely should’ve given it a second season to catch on with word of mouth. They did a miserable job advertising it. This sucks.

Damn. I really liked it and it ended on a cliffhanger to boot. (I know there are comics, but still). Amazon really did a lousy job promoting this.

It was so cool to see him as a villain, but still very much a Zouks character.

Oh nooooo Jason Mantzoukas

Yeah, kill any kind of emotion right off the bat for me with the fancy vocal tricks.

This a thousand times. This this this. Even if they wanted to dick around with some of the music, not THIS song. Any song but this one. 

Yeah I saw it and thought “colors are a little dark but okay” then that part came and I was like “oh come the hell on”

Nothing is bright anything in that trailer. I mean, props for capturing the realism of how murky and dark the deep sea is, I guess, but feels like this might lead to a Lion King-style situation where the realism of the imagery undercuts the magic.