

Because of all of the many blowjob and male masturbation scenes in film trailers?

Is Olivia Wilde trying to be insufferable? Do people actually like her? 

I keep wondering what it is about Haddish that people love so much. I haven’t found her, like, actively unpleasant or anything, but she has never struck me as either funny, insightful, or especially talented (though I concede she has some general charisma). No idea if these allegations are true (if they are, fucking yi

I feel like spending time with Olivia Wilde would be exhausting, like hanging out with Lin Manuel Miranda or Jimmy Fallon must be. She seems like the kind of person who half listens to what other people say, just itching for her turn to talk and be the center of attention. And I'm sorry, but she's not this super

More like UN-Funny Girl amirite?


Late-run babies always boost the quality and success of sitcoms!

I can’t believe this show is still a thing.

Why don't they just cancel the damn thing?

I appreciate what he was trying to do but I’m not too sure how well he succeeded. As its own thing it’s not bad but as the middle part of a trilogy it’s kind of a failure. Part of that is a result of Rise of Skywalker dropping the ball since I do think TLJ mostly set things up to go in an interesting direction, even

It was one of the worst things done to a property in recent memory. He swung big by changing characters established personalities and behaviors. IE what if the next Indiana Jones he SELLS artifacts because he has become jaded over time, the next Bond He has left the service to be a for hire merc and given up saving

Growing almonds is pretty wasteful but it’s a productive industry. Keeping a celebrity’s lawn green in the desert is not. I find it pretty hilarious that they’re installing flow restrictors instead ofjust letting these people pay a regular fine as the price of doing business.

sort of the same sentiment that it’s total queer baiting at this point, or not so different than the straight tik tok boys painting their nails for virtue points and for their own gain. My queer spidey sense feels like something is off and so do a lot of my queer friends (anecdotal I know). And no he doesn’t have to

I think he’s totally straight and he’s just putting the whole thing on for cool points, like Bowie

idk ya’ll, Styles feels truly style no substance. The way he talks about sexuality and gender is always so snoozy, and I never know if he’s speaking to his actual values or just what’s going to sell the most.

Can you believe people used to pay $15 to go to a theater and laugh at the same thing as someone else?

You love to see it.

Wait ‘til they reveal their $120 ads only subscription tier.

You all laughed at me when I said I’d continue to buy my movies and shows on physical media.  You called me mad.  But who is laughing now?  WHO?!?!