
Considering how distracting some cameos by famous musicians have been in the past, I think he made the right decision. 

If you’ve seen any of Jonathan Banks’ interviews with castmates from BB and BCS, he almost always gets emotional. You can see how much this world has meant to him. I thought that was a great last scene for Mike Ehrmantrout. 

One quote closely associated with Walt-the-invincible-badass is “I’m the one who knocks”. And it’s a lie: Jessie was the one who knocked on Gale Boetticher’s door and then shot him because Walt himself was about to be killed. Blowing up Gus was something Hector did (admittedly, with lots of help from Walt he couldn’t

Sepinwall made what I thought was a very interesting point: "Sometimes, when spinoffs bring back characters from the parent series, it’s to remind you of why you liked them in the first place. Both of Walt’s appearances here have instead played up his most insufferable qualities, giving you the worst version of Walter

The fact that he kept tinkering with the water heater, making a mild nuisance into an unbearable racket is classic Walter White.

It’s kind of nice that, as it turns out, what is almost certainly our last glimpse of Walter White in this world isn’t the Nazi-killer super-scientist managing to effortlessly outwit his enemies one last time, but the pompous, bitter and frustrated pedant who can’t even let a harmless thought experiment about time

He dragged her down to his level

Where I come from, these responses are called being human beings.

despite the shadows that often seemed to engulf her, I do remember as a baby queer seeing Heche as one of the first unapologetic queer people on TV and feeling a little less in the shadows myself.

This reminds me of a part of the documentary “Waking Sleeping Beauty” when the team working “Basil of Baker Street” received word that executive Peter Schneider was changing the title to “The Great Mouse Detective.” Some anonymous Disney artists got together and put out a fake memo that all Disney movies would be

Vince Gilligan is the antidote to all the “tortured genius” bullshit that gets thrown around, particularly whenever a creative is outed as a being a huge dick, an abuser or worse.

Something about the way this season is ending feels a bit unsatisfying. Can’t put my finger on it as the writers really have checked a lot of the boxes of what I wanted to see or expected to happen, but it’s kind of like the sum of the parts aren’t quite adding up.

I don’t think there’s anything inconsistent with having a failing marriage and being devastated when your husband seemingly has a breakdown and commits suicide, then being devastated again when you learn he was the victim of a cruel prank that ended up getting him murdered.

Because there’s a difference between divorcing someone and burying them. And she didn’t even get the chance to do that. You can dislike someone and not want anything to do with them on a personal/intimate level and still feel grief when they die. Especially when you had previously been married to them.

I don’t know if she’s still deeply bereaved. As we know Howard was definitely trying to work on his marriage with counseling but his wife I think was ready to just call it quits. Howard getting killed though would still devastate her.  Kim showing up clearly brought back a lot of grief.  I don’t think she was sitting

I’m too afraid to start a game that I know is just going to get cancelled after two levels.

Customers won’t use what they don’t even know about.

Kind of weird they’re altering the song rather than just adding Kelis as a songwriter - especially since they’re not exactly stingy with songwriting credits on this album

Part of me is thinking that this was an exceptionally well made episode with a great conclusion of Gene both stepping over another moral line AND acting recklessly to do so. But part of me felt a little cheated that so much time was spent on showing the scam play out, complete with montage, one week after an episode