
The number of people in these comments who gleefully accept mediocrity is just mind-blowing.

Also the Grandmother in Garfield’s Christmas Special, I actually get teary eyed every year when I rewatch during the holidays at her line delivery reflecting on her late husband with Garfield.

This was what put me off of Dreamworks animated movies back in the late 90's/early 2000's. It always felt like they were picking A-list celebrities to star in their animated films simply so their names would be on the poster; Bruce Willis, Will Smith, Angelina Jolie, Jerry Seinfeld, Sly Stallone, etc.

Uhh… isn’t that worse?

The discussion was David Trainer on the podcast was very enlightening. He didn’t mince words when it came to Michael Jacobs, and the trio of actors have be honest about Michael too. They aren’t shying away from how cringe some of the jokes were (particularly on the homophobic side). This isn’t just a rose-colored

If anyone here likes this type of podcast, Michael Rossenbaum and Tom Welling recently started their own podcast around Smallville.  They’re on episode 3 now and it’s been really interesting to listen to.  If you were a fan of this show, you should check out the podcast, it’s called Talkville.

This podcast has been amazing. I’m glad it hasn’t been nothing but criticism, as much as the criticisms have been disappointing—because I love the show and the actors and the characters and hate to hear that there was negativity. Clearly, Jacobs could’ve done a better job with the child actors, and I’m just glad they

I appreciate that the podcast has been fairly even handed. I was kind of expecting it just to be “Wow, this show was great!” but there have actually been some decent insights into what it was like growing up on the show.

Hi, yeah, that’s not how a good director should be working with any actor, let alone children. This myth of directors and acting teachers needing to manipulate and abuse actors (to program actors to seek their approval and feed their own ego) needs to fucking die. It’s a bullshit, toxic environment that is utterly

“I’ve reached out to Chris and the message that came back is that he’s not ready to talk, and when he is, he will reach out,” Smith says. “So I will say to you Chris, I apologize to you. My behavior was unacceptable, and I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk.”

Jeff #1 was fucking scary. Jeff#2 is a total dipshit. 

You don’t want to change up your wording even a little?

Well, at least she’s modest.

I hate to see the production delayed, but this seems...

Oh man I loved Enough when I was a baby queer boy. Loved seeing her beat the shit out of that piece of shit and I was like “One day I’ll get you my bullies while wearing a wig!”

Here’s a handy tip to remember if you should use “would have,” or “would of.”

Jimmy lied but did it with a soft touch and did it in a way that comforted Howard’s widow. Kim just dug the knife in. That’s pretty much what their relationship has been like for the past season or two with Kim being the cold blooded and Jimmy still having a bit of a conscience about things

They display frighteningly real sincerity even in a situation like trying to convince a widow who has been (wrongly) made to believe that her husband died by suicide and was a drug addict, all in the name of covering their role in the man’s death.

Is this a joke? This is such a cliché article. The same article that is written anytime a famously beautiful woman is cheated on. People assume someone’s level of physical attractiveness should make their partners incapable of cheating on them. What does that say about less attractive people? Of course, she was

Now apologise for the dialogue...homeskillet.