
I like going to movies at the theatre.

They are not wrong. I don’t understand why people are getting so annoyed.  I feel like none of these people have kids.

Yeah, this is my whole thing. It doesn’t feel like the Duffer Brothers are prepping for whole lot of follow through. I think people are giving them too much credit. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t disagree that they’re heavily alluding to it, but it took them so long just to get to this point without ever directly

Sometimes I get exhausted with The Boys, especially when they’re like WE ARE EDGY AND UNIQUE! When, if you’ve read a comic, they aren’t so much.

The Boys is great, but I think what makes it great is the execution of the series and not the underlying IP. I don’t care about this “universe.

I’ll finish out The Boys, but “no” to this. There are plenty of brainless young egotists destroying things and fucking everything in sight in my town. I don’t need dramatizations with prurient closeups.

I feel this was a starlet we almost lost to substance use, inspiring to see her success in recovery and onward!

He specifically said “I’m Team TERF” that is literally as explicitly TERF as you can be

So stamping your feet screaming NO NO NO is your explanation. A+.

If Dave had any talent left he’d tell some jokes that weren’t stale on Twitter five years ago.

And here you are, criticizing her actual creative talent while you scrape the bottom. Enjoy your irony.

Yes, the logic of a toddler from 1996. Nice self-own as usual.

There’s nothing dignified about spending your career as a smart, reputable, dignified, and even honest attorney and having your legacy forever being that a cocaine-fueled suicidal junkie.

Also, I think you misunderstood a key point in the plot. Lalo never thought Jimmy or Kim would actually shoot Gus. He knew Gus wouldn’t be the one to answer the door. He was just creating a chaotic diversion so he could sneak into the lab.

It’s a testament to the abilities of all involved that even a prequel, with 3 of the 4 primary character's fates preordained, can be this riveting.  

Were they laughing after hearing that voice you did, because that Batman voice is hilariously bad

Here’s the big social paradigm shift that has to happen: It’s okay to get up and go pee.”

Man he sounds fucking exhausting to be around.

the other thing is, the fact is, yeah james, people can watch 8 hours of tv at home and feel weird about watching 3 hours of something in a theatre. that’s a problem you have to solve as a filmmaker, it’s not something i have to solve as a consumer.

i get really baffled by the ‘i know people binge tv so a long movie shouldn’t be a problem for ANYONE’ point people (not just directors) keep making.