
I love Nikki but she’s also one of the few comics whose insecurities legitimately make me sad.

Seems he doesn’t know what a lot of things mean

So he’s not religious or spiritual but he believes in God and regularly attends church, and he’s not homophobic but he’s turning a blind eye to homophobia because he likes his church and his pastor and homophobia doesn’t really affect him. Got it.

It’s apparent he doesn’t actually know what “nothing could be further from the truth” means.

“his whole PR image at the time was satanism”

Lying to the jury, getting caught photoshopping iphone photos, being heard on tape gaslighting depp saying no one will believe him, cops not arresting depp or giving heard domestic violence because in the female cops estimation - heard was faking, lying about donating money, lying about taking a dump in a bed, lying

Sorry, but I disagree. The fact you believe men only can be toxic, just for being men, and this woman can’t be toxic, manipulative or violent, just for the fact she is a woman, it’s the worse case of mysoginy.

She is vilified not because she is ‘not perfect’ or that because she ‘misspoke because it was painful’, but because it was proven that she has repeatedly lied and manipulated many people around her. And, what is even more important, it was clearly shown before the court that she abused him as well. For crying out

Can someone please get Ben Falcone a hobby? I’m honestly begging at this point.

See also, Ben Falcone.

Yes. Also, lots of parents are shitty people who cause their children more harm than good.

and particularly for the benefit of daughter True, who deserves to have a relationship with her father, regardless of his character.

There’s nothing unusual about a juror trying to evaluate a witness’s credibility -- that’s a major function of the jury.  The juror here isn’t saying, “Amber Heard was sad, and I don’t like people being sad, so I punished her.”  He’s saying that the way she appeared upset, then suddenly not, over and over again, was

Except witness testimony and behavior is part of the evidence. It’s why we have live testimony. The jury is able to see how the witness behaves in response to questions.  Body language makes up a large part of human communication, so it’s not to be discounted. If we didn’t think it was important trials would consist

I didn’t get that message based upon the full quote.  It sounded like they thought she was perhaps being untruthful and putting on a performance.

That’s not really fair.  You’ve never had someone’s demeanor be so off-putting that it made you uncomfortable and made that person seem untrustworthy to you?

I don’t feel equipped to make any statements on who was lying or this or that, but I can say that Heard’s lawyer did not do her any favors.  The lawyering itself was bad, but she also did an awful job prepping Heard for the trial.  This juror was right that her entire demeanor was off-putting.  Her lawyer should have

Yeah I’m not sure how long they can keep it going while still keeping it interesting.  I hope the writers have an endgame in mind.

I don’t even hate watch it.  I just “hate read” articles about it.

At the risk of setting things off for the 100th or more time, it is possible to have legitimate criticisms of The Last Jedi without being toxic. I thought it was extremely mediocre at best for a number of reasons and I am prepared to slowly amble up that hill.