
This comment section is making me raise an eyebrow, because the case is now turning into “Ugh they’re both terrible”, which may be so, but in terms of the physical evidence of all this, there is WAY more evidence against Heard.

domestic abuse professionals are pretty adamant that just because someone eventually starts fighting back, it doesn’t make them the abuser. you end up internalizing all this abuse and start using it too, and it’s a common tactic of manipulation by abusers. Soon the victim will lose any outside support, and the abuser


I can hardly believe there is an audience for this show. I enjoyed The Goldbergs for the first five-ish seasons, but it is completely played out. It went from fun to grating, and without Pop-Pop, it lost it’s heart.

They really owe it to themselves and the fans to just do the thing everyone wants them to do and leave it at that.

yeah well in this particular case I would say she is surrounded by assholes tbh. Kornbread is an asshole that gets a free pass for her charisma, Daya is an asshole that gets a free pass nah actually she doesn’t.

The most referential, and hilarious, look came from Kornbread, who took inspiration from Willow Pill’s entrance look upping the drag factor with a blond bouffant wig, rhinestoned “Angle” tank top

My mom has called it Hope & Faith (a 15+ year old Kelly Ripa sitcom) at least a half dozen times. 

Correct. The answer is none. None more superheroes.

Good. I hope this is the beginning of the end of this NFT nonsense.

  • “I would like to sell this item for 1,655% of what I paid for it.”

Nothing. The answer is nothing. That’s what NFTs are worth — a big ol’ rooster egg. Digital snake oil.

Literally all of it.

I’ve been predicting for years that the twist will be that Kim actually was still with Saul during the events of Breaking Bad (and we just never saw her because we never saw much of Saul’s personal life), and she reunites with Gene during the post-BrBa timeline.

Wow, haven’t seen a “f*ck you ending” like that in a long time.

She lost any good will I had for her when she started shilling NFTs.

Okay. Would’ve been a fun surprise (or at least something you wouldn’t know for sure would happen), but this is another way to do it.

Oh, Ru Ru Ru. Love you Ru. Damnit Ru. But love you Ru.

I enjoyed it a lot personally. Maybe it was gratitious but I thought it was nice that Jesse got a proper ending after being a bit short-changed at the end of Breaking Bad (given Walt got a full resolution to his story and Saul / Mike got the spin-off). And I’d say it was closer to great than bad personally, Aaron Paul

Maybe he should make a show about an Island.  They can call it’s “Vince’s Island”