
His entire career has been an exceptionally precise and carefully-tended exercise in brand management to make it to a Best Actor win. Yeah, I think it’s probably devastating. 

So is this just one of those “let’s pile on a person for misspeaking” articles? 

Reason 4,987 to love this woman. 

She’s just the best.

Encanto was very pretty movie that made no innovations, pushed no envelopes, tried nothing new, and will not stand the test of time.

I’ve always found industry contempt for animation as stupefying as film makers who consider music to be an afterthought.

SMDH thinking about how they thought the male clones were a good idea

Animation is the pinnacle of film form and visual expression where entire worlds are conjured out of nothing, and yet, it’s relegated to being a “kids thing.” There are plenty of cartoons that are both great and for adults. It’s a legitimate medium and anyone who doesn’t respect that is a dweeb. And honestly, if

Another county saying the show started off great but fell apart and would have been nothing without Maslany, so, don’t care about this. The male clones, I think, were the beginning of the show’s spiral into incoherence.

The best Disney and Pixar cartoons are family films in the fullest and best sense of the term, but even those movies are inevitably promoted towards kids in a bid to maximize merchandising revenue. It’s, shall we say, just a tad frustrating.

As someone who works in animation, I’d settle for “less contempt” from the rest of the industry if we can’t get respect.

Totally valid points. You know, I like these guys. They seem like good guys. 

It was fun. The first season was by far the best, I think it got progressively worse but still worth it through the end.

Well, I got my fingers crossed for them, because we sure as hell weren’t watching Orphan Black for the plot, but the awesome performances by Maslany and her co-stars, who won’t be in this.

The show got pretty convoluted at the end. Most of the original’s appeal was Tatiana’s performance as a multitude of clones. Without her, the original show doesn’t work. 

Notright notright notriiiight.

it’s reassuring that the show seems to agree that Toby is more in the wrong here.”

Here’s my $.02:

This one is poorly laid out, at least in the provided photo. Cans of identical beans in front of two rows of different types of beans, tomato sauce buried behind some mediocre-looking identical cans of soup on the top shelf, and jars of pasta sauce behind two rows of salad dressing.

My cereal comes in its own box. Changing that is just extra work for no reason.