
Two people can simultaneously be differing degrees of wrong. You don’t have to cheer for either.

It was perhaps in poor taste, and I wouldn’t blame her for feeling somewhat offended, but it honestly didn’t seem outright mean-spirited at all to me. Supportive if anything. He said he liked the look!

Will has been repeatedly emasculated by his wife on her show over the past year and he takes it out on Chris Rock over a very tame, some might even say a very lame joke. Will Smith is a COWARD. He would NOT have slapped a white comedian making that joke.

He didn’t make a joke about her alopecia. He made a joke about her being bald, which isn’t the same thing.

Absolutely. It was a joke in terrible taste. But… you can’t hit people because they made you mad. That’s still assault.

If real, it confirms what we already knew: Will Smith can’t slap for shit. 

Thing is, if offered, Jada Pinkett Smith would be all over the starring role in “GI Jane 2.”

Will Smith is soft for not being able to take a joke. And classless for not apologizing to Rock.

Love makes you do crazy things is the opening defense for every fucking wife beater during a restraining order hearing. #teamchris

Deja should have been read to FILTH for that outfit. That was one of the worst looks that wasn’t part of a sewing challenge that I can recall. It seemed to me she and Jorgeous got very similar critiques for the challenge but Deja’s look was MUCH worse. Does the runway not count for anything?

I really enjoyed the way how they reworked Ru songs into the musical. Nobody gave a bad performance, but it was immediately clear that Bosco was a miscast. Painting her eyebrows in her usual Bosco style didn’t help her cause at all. After what had transpired during the casting session, this would have been an A grade

At the end of the day, Charlie Damski and Tiffany King both got to go viral

Is it even controversial to say that Elf is better than Love Actually?  I don’t even dislike the latter, but come on!

He’s still an over-grown brat. His horrible treatment of his ex-wife Jennifer, all of the drunkenness, the fights with other actors and his reported difficulties doing his job don’t endear him to me. These old Hollywood farts reach that cute (old) boy phase and people want to pet them like puppies. 

I don’t begrudge him any of his choices. If I were an actor, and I were offered a large number of crappy films that payed me a lot of money, or a handful of roles that would boost my prestige, I think I'd be tempted towards the former, even if I didn't owe the IRS $6 million.

“I feel like what Miranda does [on And Just Like That…] is incredibly brave. She gives up her very lucrative corporate job and goes back to try and make something more of her life.

1) How the hell do you not invite the star of a movie nominated for Best Picture, and 2) Are we really saying that Steven Freaking Spielberg can’t make one phone call and get this remedied immediately? 

This episode just… didn’t seem to need to happen.

Yeah, not everyone wants to be like Vin Diesel and sleepwalk their way through ten movies playing the exact same character the exact same way.

A nation shrugs