

You’d bloody well think so but I have a boring story to tell...

It’s partly because it’s still considered acceptable for women to enter male spaces, but not the other way around. So, you can make a male-centric show, and it’s cool if a girl watches it, but you can’t make a female-centric show and have it acceptable for a boy to watch it.

We’re starting to drift away from those gendered concepts, but only in one direction. The things that are being marketed to all demographics are overwhelmingly male-centric. It’s now okay for girls to like things that were thought of as boys’ media (outside of strident gatekeepers), but the opposite is still uncommon.

And it’s just gonna keep getting worst. 

I can’t say as I’ve never seen anything he’s been in”

Not even The Mighty Ducks?

I don’t know. I saw Endgame opening night and I could rightly tell you a shower for 95% of that audience would have been their once a year encounter with water and a godsend to 100s of parents.

“He’s not a cowboy, he’s an actor” is a GREAT response.

Normally, when I read these “so and so shut so and so down hilariously” articles, usually it’s some cutesy thing, not really hilarious. But this one was actually pretty hilarious. And yes, he’s an actor, not a real cowboy.

They would but they all got fired for refusing to relocate across country with no moving expenses covered or pay rate change.  

Homelander (Antony Starr)? Homelander’s milking a cow.
Okay, so we’re not entirely sure what that last one is about,”

I’d said before that the Hormone Monsters were my least favorite part of Big Mouth, and I wasn’t lying, but... I’ll still give this a try. Just hoping that this doesn’t become a way of delaying the return of the parent show. 

You know what? I liked Definitely Maybe.

Hamill is great on Twitter.

Travis Scott is a giant piece of shit. There’s multiple videos of him looking directly at victims of this tragedy and just continuing the show anyway, and now he’s trying to profit off something that he caused. Fuck him and anything he’s involved with.

Seconding the Emmy love for Mandy Moore. She does not get enough credit for everything she does on the show.

Classy statement on Benedict Cumberbatch’s part. I wish all rebukes could be this eloquent.

Still apparently some critics going to bat for The Last Jedi. It was a bad sequel to a bad movie, followed by a worse one. It did have some good stuff in it. Perhaps it was better than should have been expected with the material it started with. It was still on the whole, a boring, ugly and pretentious film, with a

Adam Devine is a no for me dawg

You didn’t even mention the Bat Credit Card. What were the Bat Interest Rates? Did he get Bat Cash Back? There are so many questions left unanswered.