
It’s disappointing that Bee caved so quickly. One woman calling another woman a derogatory term for women is way different than a white person calling a black person a term that implies all African-Americans are subhuman.

Hm. I don’t thinking calling someone a “cunt” is the same as racially degrading someone. That’s just me though. Thank you for your time.

Come on Elizabeth is dead of lung cancer by now.

Please stop using “illegitimate” to describe a child born outside of marriage.

That was absolutely heartbreaking to watch.

Now playing

I like how Stan glances at both his coworker and the mail robot as if they’re of equal standing... although maybe he just hates that coworker.

And full credit to Keri Russell on how she played that train scene. Just the right amount of surprise and grief.

I have hope Henry and Paige will still have each other’s backs. They showed us way back in the forst season that they are both survivors...and they will break a beer bottle over the head of anyone who is a threat.

I demand a Mail Robot cameo in every single subsequent FX show.

And for the final time.


Her dumbass views are widely known. Supporting her show is supporting her. Fuck all trump supporters forever.

I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.

Those homes are especially unaffordable if you refuse to work.

Walters has also been acting longer than Bateman has been alive. If she says this behavior is the worst she’s experienced on a project then I’m inclined to believe her.

I don’t know if that was CGI or makeup, but Kerri Russell looked just like Felicity in those flashbacks. Either Special Effects or Makeup did a hell of a job making her look like herself nearly 20 years ago.

It would make for a good gag at the Emmys if Mail Robot brought out the envelopes for best dramatic series.

The Mail Robot is revealed as the mastermind behind it all, and there’s an epic shootout in the FBI offices. Bullets fly and heroes fall as “Mr Roboto” by Styx blasts.

But did he really keep his mouth shut? I read that call with him saying Paige was part of the church but Philip and Elizabeth weren’t as sort of a code.

Welcome back Liz’s forehead veins!