
I am going to be a mess when that Middle series finale airs...I feel like most of the episodes this season have had its moments but overall it’s a little weak. I still love it though.

And be the bullies! Since they certainly don’t experience any bullying at all anymore. Ignore, of course, the actual data about LGBT suicide and self-harm rates. It’s a fundamental misunderstanding of what Heathers as a satire in the 80s was about. 

What’s really bizarre is how many Trump supporters think it’s his critics who don’t have a sense of humor.

The fact that Trump supporters are defending the decision to not attend this dinner basically proves that Trump supporters, like The President himself are cowards who are too scared of having their faux-masculinity shattered.

Here’s the thing about this particular troll/marketing ploy (if indeed that’s ALL this is - and I think that it’s really him): you fuck a goat, even as a joke - you’re still a goatfucker. And I say this as a former fan who defended him through all kinds of bullshit before this, myself.

I’ve just realized how jaded I’ve become. I fully expected him to get off. Bit of an understatement to say I’m pleasantly surprised.

And Elizabeth doesn’t deserve to. She is a fucking monster.

Yeah, I think there were a lot of things going on there. A bit of ego (she basically said “Mom and I are really good at this, you couldn’t handle it”) and a bit of dad protectiveness (“oh god, she already thinks she can handle it”) and about 30 other things. Pretty fascinating.

*pictures Henry and Mail Robot being the last ones left standing, walking off hand in hand in the final scene*

Oleg...but it won’t help him.

Ugh, that look on his face when he was in bed with Kimmy was awful.

Poor Martha.

Wow, what a fucking episode. Matthew Rhys was incredible throughout especially.

I just feel like pointing out how great Matthew Rhys is at showing deep emotions with just subtle facial expressions. He’s been delivering in this role since day 1. Give the man the damn award he deserves

The funniness of this is then undercut when she faces her father later on. Another great scene. Reality check. No fun.

Elizabeth is basically the monster in a horror movie at this point. A female terminator. It’s almost MORE horrifying that she’s still human enough to not kill the kid. The sickest part: you can see on her face that she is thinking about whether she “has” to do it or not. Calculated.

My god this had more emotional highs and lows than the last two seasons combined. Philip and Elizabeth connect, then she pitches Greece. Philip and Kimmie, Philip tips her off. Elizabeth sloppy as hell in the murder plot, seeing the kid. Paige sparring, Paige *really* sparring, Paige kicking ass. Everybody drinks.

Will I burn down the internet by saying “he’s always been good but not great”?

People underestimate Bob at their peril.

Azaria seems like a good dude.