
Gimme a break! Like you’ve never thought about recruiting for a sex cult.

Damn the left! .. turning on someone that turns out to be shitty.

You’re mistaking criticism for cannibalism.

Cracked wrote the most accurate description of Joss Whedon ever put to (digital) paper back in 2009:

Oh, it’s set in San Francisco, is it? So that means reporter/photographer guy Tom Hardy will have an enormous top floor apartment in the city despite the fact that he probably makes about $40 a week. Freelance.

Guys, this is gonna sound crazy, but do you think maybe—just maybe—Kanye might be kind of an asshole?

“Everyone got what they deserved all around.”

Martin Freeman has made enough comments to suggest he might be kind of a jerk in real life. He’s made a lot of questionable comments about race, gays, and rape over the years that aren’t great.

Sherlock’s lasting achievement will be that in just 12 episodes it reached the same level of smug, masturbatory, meta, self-referential self-satisfaction that it can take other cult shows decades to hit.

I’ve been a runner for nearly 20 years of my life, and I’ve logged around 20,000 miles in that time, on roads, grass, trails, beaches, you name it. And unlike nearly every murder mystery or episode of Law & Order, I have not once found a dead body.

Those commercials are more absurd than anything. However, being masculine isn’t necessarily toxic. Just because he’s a big guy with muscles doesn’t mean he’s encouraging people to treat women badly.

I dunno...Sporty was always my favorite.

I miss Justified so much.

That means you weren’t watching Happy Endings when it was on and a bunch of other people, which is sadly why we can’t have nice things.

“this feels like an inappropriate time for this” said the woman dragging Pally offstage as she throws to an In Memoriam for BRANDS! How deluded are these people? 10 years (!) of jerking each other off over the most trivial bullshit imaginable has warped their brains.

It’s a great showcase for Keaton’s talent, and he excels in all of his different “personas.” They probably could have done better with other parts of it, though.

Now playing

No love? Laughed so hard at this when I saw it in the movies.

I mean, he’s not wrong. It is hard to be chipper at work when people are being assholes about things that are out of your control.

My 13 YO and I regularly yell at the screen, “FOR GOD’S SAKE, JUST OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND TALK TO EACH OTHER!!!” My daughter is a smart cookie, and when there is tension between her friends, she sits everyone down and has them talk it out. She has no patience for bullshit, thank God!

It is possible that one of the side-effects of a giant lizard apocalypse might be that abortion is no longer easily obtainable?