
Same. I have the DVD set and re-watch every couple years. It’s so good! That said, I did show it to an ex who’s about 4 years younger than me. He didn’t find it funny. We broke up.

I would like to dip my balls in your comment.

That The State could be described as “overlooked” is baffling to me. It was a seminal part of my high school years. And if you look at the cast, they each went on to be pretty influential writers and performers in the indie comedy world.

Also important to acknowledge the writers who got their big breaks on Bochco shows (David E. Kelley, David Milch, Mark Frost, Dick Wolf, etc). The list of great shows that would not exist if not for him is pretty long.

The commentariat here were pretty united in thinking that tweet was out of bounds, and the author was suspended from her job at SNL. Nugent, on the other hand, was invited to the White House by Trump after saying much worse.

I’ve pretty much given up any hope that conservatives will ever see the irony in saying celebrities should shut up about politics.

Gay marriage has been the law of the land for what, five years now? All this book is telling people to do is chill out. And respect the law, I guess. If that’s controversial, then we’re dealing with assholes.

Now playing

The only correct answer to this question is the McDonald’s scene in Mac and Me:

Re: Ridiculously Petty Quibbles

) Above and beyond the sheer specific weirdness of the “they shoulda referenced newer stuff!” gripe, it wouldn’t have fit in with the theme of the episode at all. Dean watched Scooby as a kid, particularly in hotels. Which means syndication. Which means only “classic” (and “not so

If I were to say that this movie is now Dead, would I be...

Dear Disney,

Also, kind of funny how this show almost directly followed the trajectory of another brilliant FX show, Justified. Good-but-not-great first season, fantastic seasons 2-4, meandering, disappointing, fifth season, stunning final season. I don’t know yet if this season will be as good as Justified’s sixth just yet, but

Penn’s poorly practiced pen prances pretentiously upon the page.

Excellent. Now get Machado her well-deserved Emmy nomination (though, honestly, if we’re talking the season finale then I thought Todd Grinnell’s monologue as Schneider was the killer one - funny, touching, added depth to the characters’ relationship).

Rhys and Russell convey more emotion with a single look than Kevin Spacey ever could with all of his haminess.

Yeah, in the seasons where Martindale shows up for five minutes in one episode and still gets a nomination when no one else does, it becomes really clear that she’s being singled out because the voters like her and have heard good things about the program, not because they’ve watched the actual fucking show.

I don’t know that I’ll ever not be sad for Nina. Or pissed that the only Emmy winner out of that entire cast has been Margo Martindale. She’s great, don’t get me wrong, but jeeeeez does that cast put on a *clinic* every episode...


Also speaking of Justified reunions, wasn’t Nazi Boone (from last episode) the Harlan County backyard MMA fighter who wanted to get into chicken fighting, ended up cuffed to the back of a van after kicking Raylan’s ass (& then Raylan shot him in the gut with a beanbag gun)?

How dare these kids presume that their right to not be shot is more important than my right to shoot at them?