
Indeed! I forgot about that, thank you.

Batman was just a prelude to Michael Keaton’s true magnum opus. That’s right, I’m talking about Multiplicity.

We must never, ever, ever forget just how fucking good Keaton was in this role. You youngsters who only know Keaton for this or for the Vulture or for his VOD crap can’t understand. This was the Night Shift, Mr. Mom and Gung Ho guy being cast as one of the three most iconic superheroes.

It would be like Will Ferrell

I’ve preferred Batman Returns to Batman for my entire life (or, you know, since I saw them in middle school). It’s just so much more confident. And crazy. And silly. And fun.

Batman Returns did give us this nice little moment:

Flynn is a TV hero.

Fewer and fewer filmmakers are going to struggle to raise money,”

Sean Penn looks like an angry walnut.

I’d still rather it be called Blaze Anatomy.

I once heard a theory that children can disavow horribly shitty family members who are evil human beings and that they (the children) have a moral imperative to do so. Call me a bad son, but once my parents voted for Trump even when his administration would be an actual existential threat to their gay child, I could

That final image of everyone out on the lawn was simultaneously funny, sweet, and heartbreaking. Dylan and Jimmy’s conversation in the crawlspace was some really beautiful father/daughter writing. The JJ plot was hilarious, sad, and a pretty scathing strike at tokenism. The Ray plot was intentionally silly but had a

I don’t think the bathtub scene is what people are referring to when they talk about romanticizing suicide. I think it’s just the whole premise of the 13 episodes leading up to that where some emotionally distraught teenager might see the charismatic girl who killed herself and the reactions of the people the tapes

As someone who thought about suicide and ended up in the hospital because I attempted to kill myself, I’m going to say something that might be extremely controversial. In the hours of crying leading up to my attempt, preceded by weeks and weeks of constant depression, I never once thought, “I’m going to record 13

It’s bad and I hope it cost him $50,000.

Obligatory plug for Santa Clarita Diet. It’s delightful, and Drew Barrymore is great in it.

I never wanted to be there. I was an old MySpace maven - I loved the creative flexibility MySpace offered. But all my acquaintances went to FB, I guess because it was so easy to use. Go figure.

I don’t know why this show isn’t more popular, it’s a really well made sitcom and its second season only improved upon its format, allowing it to weave in and out of some fairly important issues.

But more episode of the Ranch? Guys, god dammit.

These companies are clearly in the pockets of Big Not Wanting to Die!

I’m so with you on Toby. I knew it was going to be a fake-out but there was a moment when I thought “I’d kill to have her not show up for the wedding and leave Toby”. I totally get why they have him as a character and what they’re doing, but I don’t like him and feel Kate deserves better. I also really hate that they

I thought the flash forward was about Deja, too.