
Disney’s idea of a gay character is having Josh Gad briefly dance with a man, in one easily excisable moment. They are not giving Elsa a girlfriend.

It certainly makes sense that the person who created Full House AND Fuller House is a complete monster

Is this because he’s a lesbian?

Looking forward to her starring in the sequel to another Oscar nominated movie: Call Me By My Name.

This is why I have to explain to my friends why I still buy DVDs. There are so many films not streaming (especially in the UK). 

I’ll take S7 over S6 anyday. At least the characters are on the way back from the various mistakes they’ve been making.

And after he called her a bitch he could add “and all I ever did was hide you away from my daughter, cancel our wedding and ignore your attempts to talk about the first two things for several months.” ;-)

I am not saying Pryor definitely had sex with Brando but I can tell you that the last two people on the planet who will be able to attest to who I did and didn’t bang are my two kids 40 years from now.

I’ve always liked Brendan Fraser and he always seemed like a standup guy. If I’m rooting for anyone to have a comeback, it’s him.

When Rose kissed Finn, it took me out of the movie. I was just thinking, “What about Poe? That’s bullshit.”

What an incredibly varied, rich career she’s had - and is still having. “National treasure” gets thrown around too much but she certainly is one.

The obligatory back-story story about this interview is that I actually did about half of it a few years ago, and I was finally able to get enough to turn it into a piece worth running (because, you know, my standards are unreasonably high) when I got her on the phone a few weeks ago, but the interview was supposed to

Waking up to a Will Harris Random Roles is always a good start to a day... especially one like today’s going to be. Rita seems pretty delightful. I’ve enjoyed her in everything I’ve ever seen her in (especially Oz), and she’s been great fun in the One Day at a Time reboot.

TBBT character: “Hey, aren’t you Bill Gates, world-renowned co-founder of Microsoft, one of the largest and most ubiquitous tech companies in the world?”

The only right answer is of course Rumours (with the extra u) by Fleetwood Mac. This album proves that only in moments of desperation we can find inspiration. It was recorded a little before my time (1977) but as a music enthusiast i discovered that some music is eternal. If it wasn’t for this album i probably

I’m so sick to fucking death of these cowards ignoring the elephant in the room and blaming every shooting on “mental illness.” EVERY country has mentally ill people. EVERY country has violent people. THIS is the only country that fucking arms them.

I’m still waiting on the Dolly Parton cameo!

Even though I love Sam Waterson and Martin Sheen, I just don’t find their characters compelling and I would much rather have more screen time with Grace and Frankie

No. It’s not just “boys being boys” when it’s a 26-year-old bullying and exposing himself to a 12-year-old. I was bullied some as a teenager as well, but it was by kids my own age, not adults who should know better and not in a professional setting.

Child-rapist vocal Trump supporter also a homophobic bully. Who knew?