
“What’s that old saying about sex being like pizza? Even when it’s bad, it’s still good?”

Only for men. When sex is bad for women, they have a lot of pain (30 percent of women report pain during vaginal sex. Imagine the outcry if 30% of men had pain.). Bad sex for men is like a 7/10, for women it’s 4/10. Same words,

well, that seals it.

came here for this quote and was not disappointed. R.I.P. Mr. Cathey

I loved him in that role, and OZ was the first time I ever noticed him in anything. Sad to see this guy leaving- 59 should have been too early.

Jesus fuck, what a goddamn tragedy. The man was really one of the all-time great character actors.

Sorry that one of the pre-eminent directors of the day saying a 13 year old girl knew what she was doing having sex and that being drugged isn’t rape got in the way of your enjoyment of the world. Must be nice to not have to deal with being on the bad side of rape culture.

Their secondary casting was so consistently awesome. Seemed like they had every actor, like Jones and Root, who you instantly go “Hey! It’s Ironside/Root/Jones/Gainey/Tobolowsky/Dillahunt/etc.”. I mean sweet Jesus they had Dave Foley as a Canadian gangster and Tudyk as an uncredited one-off hitman.

Perfect example of why Justified is one of the best series’ ever. They always got the best character actors.

Stephen Root was awesome too.

Hot Rod in Justified - great character.

I know Kate thinks Jack’s death is all her fault, but that makes me more annoyed that she no longer wants Louis/Louie. If he died because he saved the dog, then getting rid of the dog means he dies for nothing.

“...Ryan Dunn, who died killed a passenger and himself in a grisly car accident while driving drunk.” 

I mention “That’s probably the wrong tree,” and my wife says I’m being an asshole and just ruined a touching moment. The character says the same exact thing and it’s a little bit of levity. Do I get an apology? I do not.

This was def a case where fan commentary on twitter, etc. built it up into this “thing.” The creator said last year he didn’t expect it to turn into such a big Thing (tm) but sadly the show really leaned into it this season which I would have preferred they not do.

Nah, I’m the exact same way so this feeling is mutual. In other words, this is us......

Tell me about it. This seems seriously out of genre. Besides what the hell does this even mean in the grand scheme of the show? Milo isn’t getting fired (pun), he’s still first billed cast and will be back next week just in an earlier decade is all, so why all the build up? It literally changes nothing. We’ve known

I’ve heard really good things about this show, but for some reason find myself completely incapable of developing even the tiniest shred of interest in it. Maybe it’s just me...

This has been my main problem for the show, since it feels almost like a perverse “wait and see” moment. I enjoyed the quieter mall episode a couple weeks back up until the final reveal of the smoke detector without batteries. It felt like a “don’t forget, Jack’s gonna die!” moment that completely took me out of the

Ewww... Dane Cook

there’s been a few animal cruelty scandals but they’re still hanging in. Hopefully, for not too much longer.

Sometimes a commercial is so irritating it makes you hate the song as a consequence. Case in point: the Apple iPad Pro commercial with the middle school-aged girl in glasses. The song playing in the background might be a decent song, but I despise that bullshit commercial so much that it is forever ruined. Why do I