
go find their facebook “Feline Friends Chicago”. they have a long post about this, and the owner has been intentionally letting the cat out, cats been getting in fights with other cats, eating rats, attacked by raccoons, and not the first time the cats been lost.

Let’s start this thing: cats shouldn’t go outside, where death awaits. Maybe Feline Friends knows something we don’t about whether this person is a responsible cat owner.

I hope that in all our eagerness to demonstrate how righteous we are, we now stop to consider the very real and tragic consequences of our vitriol.

I have always viewed political correctness as a modern extension of the Golden Rule. But I guess “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is a pretty rotten message to pass on to the next generation. A world where everyone contemplates how their words and actions affect others would be a pretty terrible

it can be two oh who even cares anymore

Very courageous of her to make this vague comment only after her most recent Allen film did not net her another Oscar nomination.

Very disappointing.

I really hope this show will be back. The writing is sharp, and the rhythm of the performances is wonderful.

Casey Affleck is probably a piece of shit, but the way this article is written doesn’t make any sense. Isn’t the fact that he’s been accused of harassment and a petition is going around asking that he not be involved kind of obviously the thing he’s alluding to when he says he doesn’t want to be a distraction? Say

Agree with most of this, except the part about Robert and Sol’s marriage deserving a closer look. I’m tired of them and I wanted to see Grace and Frankie having adventures together instead of inhabiting mostly separate plot lines for most of the middle of the season.


I really love this show. But I wasn’t impressed with the ending this season. Sol and Robert get to do showtunes and possibly have a three way with a hot guy. Meanwhile, the two women they betrayed get their house gutted (through no fault of theirs), limited access to a granddaughter and then shanghaid by their kids

I was so blown away about a year ago when I learned that The Outsiders was written by an 18 year old woman. I never really liked the book - I didn’t hate it - but I definitely respect it more as a first novel from essentially a kid.

Was surprised nobody brought up Lego Batman as a snub when talking about Boss Baby.

Starred for your parenthetical.

Art is limitless, but I suspect the only Indiana Jones movie Harrison Ford should be appearing in at this point is one in which Ford only appears in the bookend scenes, reminiscing about that one early adventure he had back in the 1920s, with a new actor (not Pratt) portraying him then and henceforth.

It had never occured to me that the April plot line might have been a deliberate tactic, but I don’t put it past ASP to sabotage her own show in retribution for having to leave. She’s a great writer and storyteller, but she has a very unflattering petulant streak that simetimes peeks out in interviews, and definitely

Can we all agree that in a just world nurses, firemen, teachers, and military people would make 600k and actors would make 90k?

I’m still mad about Charlie and Eileen, too. For real.

Still cross at this show for what they did to Felicia Day’s Charlie. Looking forward to the Wayward Sisters spinoff though. Sheriff Jodi is great.

Now playing

Was the “E.T. ripoff” Paul Rudd’s new movie?