
Anyone else find the reactions to Rebecca’s broken arm to be a little over the top? I mean, I know they’re kids, and Rebecca is Jack’s everything... but it’s a broken arm and one night in the hospital. Asking about brain damage, having nightmares, giving a whole big speech to a nurse about how important she is because

I completely agree that

She had a couple fun pop songs during her teen years, but I really loved her album Wild Hope, and then a few songs on the album after that. So she’s one of those artists that can be hit or miss for me, but I look forward to whatever she’ll do because I know I *might* enjoy it.

I mean, they just released a(nother) genuinely great pop album after 26 years together, but post about this I guess.

Well I guess that would change how I feel about it then- what the intentions of the writers were. If the show meant to have them react poorly, and that they’ll have a bit of a problem with it, or be coming around more, talk to Tess again and clear things up... but I got the sense that the show thought they were

Completely agree about Beth & Randall’s reactions. Your preteen daughter is crying and coming out, telling you she’s had physical pains over keeping it a secret, has been so scared and confused - you fucking hug her!!


Their faces when they realized Paige had gotten off and once Philip sat beside Elizabeth. I dare awards to ignore them this time (no I don’t, please don’t).

I’d buy that, I just think it should have been mentioned. As OP said, this show has always been great with their recurring characters, so for them to just drop him out of nowhere and not give one line to Axl, Sue, or Sean to say where he is and/or why they don’t see him anymore was super weird.

Yeah, but he was Axl & Sean’s best friend, too. The third member of Boss Co. I agree that it’s pretty strange that a character so big for the first six seasons just disappeared, not so much as a mention.


I really hope Stan lives, especially for Henry’s sake.

“I feel like the one-two punch of Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen would be amazing as Joel’s parents, plus that’s a small Justified reunion!”

Especially since it’s such a bad one. It looks like fake pregnancy bellies they have women wear on TV.

My theory is that it’s Deja. She’s miserable and acting out in present day, maybe she ends up like her mom? Maybe they tried to help her for years and she just kept acting out and ended up in rehab or something? Tess was seen getting close to her, and she was the one who asked “where’s Deja?” right before the

Don’t fuck with Querns.”

Rebecca’s mom was there. We only saw her for a second, but she went up to her. I think it would be an interesting story to see Rebecca and her mother get closer after Jack’s death. She’s probably gone in the present, but maybe between the funeral and current day she could have stopped being racist and gotten closer to

Yeah, this is all pretty annoying... and confusing. I understand being curious about how he died, but why is it some huge “mystery”? He died when they were teenagers. Okay. Was it a fire? Was it a car wreck? Did he get sick? Just tell us and move on. The fact that he’s dead is/was a big deal, but why is the how? It

I hate this movie but I love Tim Curry.

Not only does Rebecca seem to be the least favourite character among fans, but I feel like Mandy Moore is the most underappreciated actor in the cast too, which is so crazy to me because she is just so amazing... and she’s the only one who’s always there. Every other member of the cast is only there in one timeline,