
You should! I don’t know if it’s me or others that have bad taste, but don’t think it was bad at all. It wasn’t great, but it had a great cast, and you come to care about (most of) the characters (or at least I did). I’m kind of nostalgic about it, so I bought the DVD on Amazon after it was all taken off of Youtube.

I thought he was really cute in The Class. Maybe comedy isn’t his thing, but he played the lovable idiot well enough.

Something that I’ve become curious about is how Kate keeps so close to Kevin while he’s awful to everyone and she’s not. We’ve seen examples of how Kevin can be great to her even if he’s not great others, but I guess I’m just the kind of person that doesn’t care if someone’s nice to me if they treat others horribly.

Michael Keaton would kill me.

Maybe you being “the king of romantic gestures” would be a sweet thing if you weren’t so self aware of it and brought it up all the damn time, Toby. (I’m not sure I could ever like him. The damage is probably done for me when it comes to Toby.)

What ever happened to Aaron? He & Gail were getting married.
(Beth was hoping they weren't serving jumbo shrimp because she's allergic to oxymorons.)

I'm with you. Sarah was always the least interesting clone to me, even though she was our window in and was dealing with all this crazy stuff, and then tonight she's dealing with normal issues and I'm into it. I would have really liked to have seen more of this Sarah.

I'm a complainer, so even with good finales I'm going to list the things I did not like:

This is a great album and I'm so happy for her.

"Get the fuck out of my theater."
"This will always be my theater, biiitccchhh."

So was I. Just wish it was with different characters and was a different story.

Agreed. I just didn't like how they were involved with Victor, but yeah, at least they weren't in it as much.

Really? Did I miss something? Lmao.
I feel like you could only be talking about their storylines with Coop and Victor, and I found neither of those to be "important".
I also really wish the Victor storyline had been played with someone else. It's been a thing since the movie, and this is way they resolve

I've watched all the episodes and I never feel like there was a good reason to include Mark and Claire. Two new characters just to, what, give J.J. a love interest? Give Michael Ian Black someone to talk to when other actors were unavailable? I don't know… it & they just never grew on me, even if the jokes about them

You're right. I just read this and went off lmao.
"The final season, in which the Conners struck it rich, was all an invention of the eponymous character’s writing"
I'm used to seeing people leave it there, but this one continues.

I don't know why this bothers me so much BUT IT DOES-
It was NOT just the final season of Roseanne that was her writing, it was THE WHOLE SHOW (well, from season 2 on).
Every article I've ever read that's about or mentions the finale always says it was just the final season, and I don't get it?! I mean, yeah, season 9

Oh, wait, that is not all: I am also not okay with Alison having this haircut at the end of the series.

It did not seem necessary to bring back Mark & Gracie just to kill them off. I am not okay with it. That is all.

"Lose that, lose that, move this up there, circle that, circle that, move this here, that there, these up top, these underneath, and then flip it.
Circle that, circle that, put that up there, move this, move that, this and that, these and those, that and that, all of that, all of this, this, that, that, that, that, and

So they're ignoring the finale, but Leo was with Vince and Grace was pregnant for more than just the finale… are they ignoring the whole final season?
Maybe seeing them be parents wouldn't be fun, but I also don't like that they'll still be single and childless at their ages when they both really wanted marriage and