
Weird that Praying, Woman, and Hymn have all been reported here, but not Learn to Let Go, which was released before this and has a video to go along with it.

Well I doubt she ever sat for him, but there was a painting of her. I saw it in the background at some point, and Kristian Bruun said on Twitter that he got to keep it.

I am very upset about Gracie, and I am very upset that Krystal was not invited to the art show.

That would be unacceptable.
I also wish MK could be there, but…

This reminded me that I have no idea what happened to Sarah & Cal… or just Cal.

"I am point, you are backup- get over it!"
"Stop it! You're making me wet and I'm super mad at you!"
"I'm peeing and then I'm gonna kick him in the balls."
"Thank you!"

"Pointless" indeed. Having Schillinger kill him would have been so much better, or even just anyone that we already knew that could have found a reason (maybe if his issues with Arif had continued, that could have been interesting…). If it was due to the actor's availability, I wish he could have returned for the

Yeah, Said dying was awful. The way that it happened, the fact that it happened. He should have made it to the end.
I'm surprised that on Oz article's it's never mentioned, yet Adebisi's murder always is. Him I thought the show was fine without.

I don't looove it, but a lot of people seem to take it as 'Ted never got over Robin and therefore never really loved Tracy,' when that clearly wasn't it.
He got what he wanted, his "the one" and children, and she got to have a big career and to travel, and then when they were middle age and had both been alone for

I also just don't understand everyone thinking that completely ruined the show. That storyline ended as quickly as it was introduced, and people have stuck with shows through far worse, longer plots before, coming out of it saying the show was still great.

You're right.

"You brought the flames and you put me through hell
I had to learn how to fight for myself
We both know all the truth I could tell"

I still really want to see the funeral scene. Apparently it's very short, but still. What good reason could they have for not releasing it online or not putting it in the complete series set? I want it!

They didn't drop it though, they ended it. In the Halloween episode, she gets with someone else and that ends it.
I agree though, I hated that story and was glad when it was over.

"At whom are you looking?!"

Drinking out of mason jars on a show featuring Margo Martindale, I was like "oh no, apple pie?"

Genuinely curious to see what they're going to do here. As far as I know, they haven't released any information on where the characters will be in their lives (since the finale jumped forward to them being older than the actors currently are), who they're going to be with (I don't think we've heard whether or not

It wasn't just the last season that wasn't real, it was pretty much all of it (or maybe just starting with the season 2 finale when Dan & the kids gave her a place to write).

Everything except the mom came out before that, and in the finale it was said that she actually hadn't, that it was Jackie who was gay. They weren't both gay.

That, and at the end of his conversation with Paige.