
Bird Dog.

Thank you!

"Mallory finds herself drawn to the way Coyote handles her legion of children so well. Given how unhappy she is with Mitch, I’m guessing that more will come of this."

It's stupid to have expectations for celebrities, or be surprised when they aren't who you thought they were, but I always thought that Dax & Kristen seemed like super nice, fun people and this is just disappointing. Been feeling this way for a while. A few months ago on Twitter, Trump said or did yet another awful

I don't think they did, not fully.
If I recall correctly, they split up after Philip slept with his ex, then lied to Elizabeth about it (right after they had decided to give into their real feelings for each other, rather than just being married for the job).

I'll never understand the Hanson hate. Is it all just because you didn't like how much one of their songs got stuck in your head? Have you even bothered to listen to anything of theirs besides that song?
I love them. Genuinely hope to go to one of these.

Stan about Henry:
"Where's he been lately?"

"Mm mm, not even close to done."

Sing Street, dammit!

The Americans!

I don't think so, but I really hope so.
The best thing this show could do for me would be to show that they've known what they were doing with Toby all along… but I think they actually want us to really like him. Ugh.

He was on Brothers & Sisters for four years, a major character before getting killed off- and nothing? ='(

Show up unexpectedly, then get upset when not all former plans will be dropped for yours, get mad at the idea that you hurt someone by not taking something important to them seriously instead of just APOLOGIZING, give an engagement ring in a way that doesn't say "I want you to have this" but rather "I want you to feel

"I am the KING of romantic grand gestures."

Thank you & good bye, Grandma Aggie.

"The little boy in you is still hurt."
"So I got him a Boat! You're welcome, little boy."

Yeah, he's said a couple times that he didn't like how it ended for his character (hasn't elaborated on why), but he seemed to enjoy the job itself. Just reread an interview he did on here where he called the role "a gift".…

"Everybody who has worked on it seemed to love that show."
Which is something I love so much about 'Oz'. It's pretty underrated, and often forgotten, but it seems that everyone involved in it will say it's one of, if not their favourite job.

"I haven’t seen a show that is effectively emotionally forceful since Parenthood"
So many people say this about Parenthood that I have to wonder if I was the only one that couldn't stand it.
I mean, most of the acting was tremendous, but I thought so many storylines were either typical or boring (obviously Kristina

"I don't mind a story about sexual fluidity, but he didn't even claim to be fluid - he lied and cheated. "
Definitely. I'm fine with the topic, I just agree that it's being done in the wrong way here. They're changing what we know of his character, and they're introducing his sexuality through infidelity- as if one