
I just read an interview with the executive producer (on TVLine), and she said that this storyline is a way of showing that people can be sexually fluid and don't always need to have labels. That it's a trend right now, and Ian's going to "phobic" towards it.

Well then, I probably would have had a huge crush on you, too.

"milquetoast African ant bear"
I laughed too hard.

Perhaps he volunteered? Would be douchey if someone told him to though, yeah.

I know Cosima probably didn't want to work with Rachel either & that she knows she needs Scott to help science-wise, but I really loved her just immediately saying Rachel was out when Scott said he wouldn't work with her. After her dismissal of him last week, it just seemed like a thing a good partner/friend would do.

As much as I just want her back, and I know there are not many episodes in a season, I had kind of hoped we would have seen her away, doing whatever she did while gone (I'm with some other commenters here that hoped she was with Mark&Gracie). Hopefully we get some interesting stories.

Considering how bothered I've been the last year or so by all the judgement towards women who want epidurals, want to give birth in a hospital, want a doctor&nurses over midwives&doulas, women who don't want to eat the placenta, don't want to breastfeed, and want to know the gender before their baby is born, I loooved

Well, I kind of still disagree. Paul&Sarah were never really an official couple, and we got plenty of episodes without them interacting or having anything to do with each other, while it felt as though Dephine&Cosima were breaking up and then pledging their love to each other every other episode.

Nah, I'd say that Cosima and Delphine have been far more complicated than say Sarah and Cal…
and I do think the show likes to pat itself on the back for having a gay clone (I mean, they created a trans character to exist in only one episode, come on), and her only being outside of her sexuality&relationships seems to

Agreed. Cosima has always been my least favourite clone because of how boring her story/she always is; especially when it/she has such potential.

I feel like I read somewhere that they film at different times though, and Ksenia was up for coming back to OB. I hope that is the reason though, because I'd hate to think the plan was to have her return and they just cut it.
Still wish they hadn't just waved Shay off though. Boo.

Ohhh, right, okay, thanks.
I have really wanted Krystal to find out this whole time, but I guess I… don't, now?

Relationship drama is one thing, but they were just constantly fighting and making up, with us (and Cosima) never knowing whether or not we could trust Delphine. I'm not excited for it either… in fact, it's like the LAST thing I want. Please stay dead, Delphine = ).

I was super bummed when they had Scott say that Shay was just a rebound. I really liked her, I think Tatiana's chemistry with Ksenia Solo was great, and I was excited to see her again this season considering how the last ended. I don't know if it was angry Delphine/"Cophine" fans that prevented her from returning, but

Also hard to believe she was into it with a woman involved, considering how squicked out she was when Delphine kissed her while she was posing as Cosima. Maybe that's just because it was her sisters girlfriend though? I dunno.

So, either I heard wrong, or Evie said she was going to kill the naive clones??

Not only did he not deserve that, but it just felt so… untrue? Like, Scott has always been more Cosima's partner in this stuff than Delphine.

Webisodes! That's a really good idea. A few with Axl at his job, a few with Sue at Dollywood, etc… I'd like that.

I'm still kind of bothered by him telling Sarah before he died "it was never Beth I loved". Like, yeah, we know, you were just her monitor… why did the writers think that was a sweet thing to have him say in the moment? Especially to Sarah, who yelled at him for it in the first season after she found out. Learning

"Hi! Detective Bell: Homicide."
"Krystal Goderitch: Manicurist."