
"and the J.T.P. just being the best damned J.T.P. that they can be."

Yeah, I was turned off by him from the start for never seeming to care about how his&Sols affair hurt their wives. He seems to have gotten better this season, but I'd still like to see less of him, lmao.

"I've heard so many people say that by telling them you're just destroying their happiness but…the cheating is what did that, no?"

"The goal is to prevent Robert from ever having to deal with the knowledge that Sol married him right after having an affair. Telling him that would relieve Sol of his guilt, at the expense of Robert's happiness."

"Bud and Coyote are adamant that Sol tell the truth. For them, lying is wrong no matter what, and they very clearly empathize with Robert’s position in all of this. They’re like Frankie, thinking with their hearts but not really stopping to take in the reality of the situation. Maybe Brianna’s slightly corrupt

I'd prefer that too haha. I just meant that Mallory is my least favourite after Sol&Robert, so I'd prefer her to them. I want more Bud.

Huh, I don't remember that line. Guess he is then. I would wish otherwise for ya know, representation and all that, but at the same time, a more "confusing" sexuality might put more focus on them, and I'd honestly rather a full episode of Mallory (I mean Sol is fine, but no more Robert in season 3 please).

I think it would be so interesting for them to explore (or simply mention) bisexuality, but it doesn't seem to be happening. In the pilot he said something like he loved Frankie but just couldn't be with her anymore. It never sounded like he just loved her as a person, I think he was really IN love with her, just

Um, wasn't it Grace&Robert's house, not Frankie&Sol's? I also don't think Frankie was stealing back some of her old belongings, just things she found in the house/other little gifts.

Yeah, that's why I think it would be weird if never mentioned again. They didn't just date, clearly some bigger things happened, and Coyote still seemed into her the whole first season. Now that ***spoiler-ish*** Mallory is worried about Mitch cheating this season, I wonder if maybe their marriage won't work out and

Yeah, probably does. Not fair to put that on the actors though, of course.
I do think it's easy to say JDR is the best because of what she gets. I believe EE could snark and deliver deadpan very well if given the chance (and who knows what Baron could do; he doesn't get to do anything. shame).

I gotta say, I don't agree about the brothers being less funny than the sisters, I just think they aren't given as much to do. Especially Bud. Mallory gets her marriage&kids, Brianna gets her work&dating life, Coyote gets his birth parents&sobriety… what does Bud get? His job is mentioned a few times I guess. I just

Considering I said "stupid" right after I said I thought it was because they wanted Helena to be pregnant, I get why you would have taken that as me saying that was stupid. I didn't though. I want to see Helena go through her pregnancy, I just meant the fact that only six months have passed throughout the whole series

Definitely. I really thought plenty of time would have passed with Sarah in hiding, and I can't think of why they wouldn't do that, other than they wanted Helena to still be pregnant? I dunno. Stupid.

Yeah, that definitely shocked me, but then I realized that answered a question I've had for some time- why's Helenas pregnancy going so slowly?

I've always wondered about their eyebrows. They all have different hairstyles, and wardrobes, but they all tweeze or wax their eyebrows the exact same way? Sure.

I shouldn't have been so excited at having a character that really loves Stewart, but no else seems to, so…

I really wish The Real O'Neals would get coverage on here.
That is all.

Damn. I actually wish they would get together.

So, we're not going to talk about Cliff finding Todd to be "Idaho's sexiest Lawyer" ? Okay.