
I loved just seeing Bell & O'Neill out. I know this isn't the show to do it much, but I want to see more of them.

I've been seeing some people agree with Boo when it comes to the scene on the street, and umm, we definitely weren't supposed to, right?
She called that woman a self hating bitch & a c*nt, simply because she didn't think it was okay to attack a young boy. We were supposed to know Boo was overreacting, right? I am just

"Healy is basically in love with Red now, which… I can’t really even deal with that right now, if I’m being honest."
Somewhat spoiler-ish:
Their interactions continue until the end of the season, and I never found myself being able to deal with it. It's just not something I want to see at all.


I disagree with a couple things:

Unpopular opinion? I love Luschek & Soso and I wants more of them.

Very surprised there was no Stacy or Jeremy.
Always thought the end of the show would be Phineas&Ferb getting on a school bus or something.
Figured there would be more focus of P&F than Candace and Dr. D.
Thought this was a sweet & good episode, but yeah, a little lackluster for a finale (especially when it starts out

"If you watched the original show and thought that perhaps in real life a doctor that young, regardless of how intelligent he might be, would still be far too immature to handle a position like that…"

I just still don't know what to think about Paul, though?!

I know it's not something that would happen a whole lot in real life, but I hope that, if we get a season two, we see more moments between Grace & Sol (and Frankie & Robert).
I don't know why, I just want to see these four split into the pairings less common and see what happens. I loved the Grace/Sol scene- I want

“Lil' Miss Hot As Balls” is too perfect.

I agree it's not as bad because he was broken up with Sol, I meant it's made worse to Grace. He & Grace were together, and he was not only carrying on this 20 year affair with Sol (despite a brief breakup, apparently), but also sleeping with other men. I doubt Grace knows that; thought Sol was the only one she was

"I love Bud and Coyote as Brianna’s annoying surrogate brothers."
Same. Hopefully there's a season two & we get more of that.

I think they do. I got the feeling it was supposed to all match up: two business partners of the same age, each with wives the same age, each with two kids whose ages match up (Brianna&Bud, Mallory&Coyote), one couple has two boys, while the other has two girls, etc. Then the odd couples aspect of one couple being

You're right. I completely forgot about that. I was just rewatching an episode with them & the boy looks sooo much smaller. Weird casting.
Either way, I don't think he could be nine then.

Yeah, I'm hoping they aren't trying to say/won't eventually say that whatever happened between them wasn't in their teens, because that's the only believable thing.
(They aren't trying to make her seem like the older sister to Brianna either, are they? That'd be ridiculous.)

"So Coyote’s the father of Mack, yeah? I wish I cared."

"Mom, Frankie verbally molested me."

"I scare him, don't I?"
"He's terrified of you."
"That makes me so happy."

I didn't like Robert in general very much, & as for it being realistic- I agree it can be, but I fully understand how Frankie might feel like she shouldn't spend so much time with someone she was with for 40 years, was being cheated on by for 20, and who is now getting married to his business partner. For her to feel