
Agreed. I like Brianna the best (out of the children), just didn't like her here.

Same. & it was just weird to me. Like, if that was going to be the line, why not get a less adorable Dog for the part? That was obviously a very cute Dog… and then she names it Spit -_- .
I've been loving Brianna (and I love JDR) but I just didn't find this funny or get it.

Maybe it's not incredibly realistic, but I really hope that at some point in the series (please let there be a season 2!) Frankie & Sol can find a way to just spend time together as friends. They love&care about each other too much to only see each other whenever it involves their kids or something.

I loved this episode of The Middle so much. Sue Heck is everything ='). I can't put in words how great this show is, and how much more recognition it deserves, so I won't even try.

I felt watching the montage that it was as much a celebration for Eden as it was for Sue, and I loved that.
I remember Charlie McDermott (Axl) tweeted last awards season about how it was ridiculous that Eden never gets recognized, and over the years we've heard all the cast&crew say something amazing about her. I love

" “homosexual law and bed partners,” which is presumably intended to be funny but just sounds like a very outdated joke. "

I definitely get what you're saying & agree with it to a point, but I think (as was said in The Dinner) it's because they're gay. People aren't so ready to give them hell because there's the aspect of them being afraid of who they are & who they've loved for 20 years.
I think they shouldn't be treated as easily as they

"a lot of them seem frustrated that this is a pretty straightforward sitcom instead of something more nuanced"
There it is. What I would have said, had I been able to find the words.

I never got the sense that this show was trying to be like Transparent (I mean, even the title simply suggests it's just supposed to be a show about the lives of these two women, &the people they are connected to- nothing bigger), so I don't really understand all the references to it. I find that it isn't funny in the

I didn't give up on Transparent, but by seasons end I felt I could have. I doubt I'll watch the second season, unless I'm bored.
Never thought about stopping this one, but I was disappointed with some parts of this episode. Glad I kept with it, because I'm near the end & enjoying it = ).

Yeah, I liked Transparent for what it was, and was curious/interested enough to keep watching… but I'd much rather watch a show where I like the characters, and want to see them happy. The only one I was worried about not liking in this series is Robert (he seemed selfish), but that went away by the fourth episode

Okay, yeah, forget everything else- no Betty automatically makes season 1 the best.
Hands down.

I agree with everything here about needing to flesh out the kids & ex husbands, and without giving any spoilers, I'll just say I feel they have done a good enough job of that after a few more episodes. I'm not done the season yet, but so far I'm happy.
I also enjoy it a lot more than Transparent- which I just found

I can't really remember season 1 all that well, actually. I remember disliking certain things about it (Tim/Jenny/Marina stuff, Tonya, that kinda rape-y scene of Bette&Tina in the finale, Shanes hair lmao), but I think overall I enjoyed it enough, because I kept watching.

They probs wouldn't want Constantine when they've got Castiel.

I liked this episode; I love June Diane Raphael.

That was actually before Danas death. Alice was trying to chase Dana off the road for leaving her.
I agree, it was dumb.

Stuck in my head now & forever. Thanks ='(.

"Her death was laughable, because no one cared."
I don't know if you mean the audience or the other characters, but you'd be right to say it about both. I mean, did you see them in the final scene? Yeah, they looked a little shook up, but really they just seemed a little sad (they've been more emotional over fighting

Yeah, them not doing anything with it in the show made it even worse. What did she want with the insurance money? She was never super wealthy, but none of them were poor. This was after Shay left, too, so it couldn't have been about supporting him, like her underwear campaign was. It's never mentioned again; she just