
Yeah, they didn't reveal it until those ridiculous "interrogation tapes", if I remember correctly, but I think Shane burned it down the insurance money or something? Maybe I'm wrong. Either way, it should have been addressed in the show.

Well, I don't completely know how eeeverything works, so I'll have to take your word for it; all I know is Ilene clearly just wanted to make him deal with whatever would make him look like the biggest freakshow, as opposed to treating him like a real human being. I remember she even said how proud she was of doing it

Oh man, this show was sooo awful. So bad. If anyone were to ask me what show they could watch as the best example of bad T.V., I'd most likely point them to this.

I'm surprised because they haven't tried to make Joe a cute kid? They had Luke, then they had Lily, so I figured (I think most did) that Joe would be the shows cute kid now- but they haven't used him, and now they want to bring on another kid? Why? Every family has had a cute kid except that one, and there was the

Are we being made fun of by people unaware that they're the ones saying it wrong?

Huh. Strange.

I legitimately don't know how else I'm supposed to say it.

I agree with all the comments about how bad this season has been, and how awful either the characters are, or where they are/what they're doing is.

I won't watch this, so I really don't know why I care- but if DJ is not married to Steve, I will be upset.
Something's wrong with me.

I'm completely over the Haley/Andy stuff- do something with them or just stop.
… and Lily is by far the best part of this show now, even for just throwing an insult & a hand Haleys way. Hilarious.

Yes. Loved it.

So sad.

"a rare misstep"
Very true = ).

"They're taking the chair!"
"I know you're sad, but do you have to be sad about each item?"
"They're taking the other chair!"

Yep, they're still married (&fun fact: their daughter had a song in tonights episode!).

As a continuity freak, I gotta say, I hated what Ellie said after Laurie's circus story. It made sense for it to be commented on in the finale (it's a trademark of Laurie's character, of course), but there was already a whole episode of Ellie checking up on all of Laurie's stories because she didn't believe her. For

Random things from me:

This show is so amazing. I would love to write something eloquent here, but that's really all I can say. I love it so much, and I'm so grateful we got 6 seasons of it.

Wouldn't be surprised if he isn't developing normally, either.

I just gotta ask, hoping someone has the answer- how old is Liam, and does he go to school?
I don't think we've ever seen or heard about it, but the kid was a baby when the show first began, and I feel like we've never seen anyone try to teach him how to read or write or anything, and he's only spoken like, once? How