
Watch this show win all the awards anyways -_- .

You could absolutely be right. Although, I don't think 'recycled' is the way to put it. That would imply that they shot that scene for that episode, and used it here instead; when I think they would have shot that knowing it would be for the finale.

I just feel the need to say- I love Walton Goggins so much. I'm sorry you had to go through so much (he once explained how long it takes him to 'become' Venus) for a 5 second scene, but I appreciated it. Thanks = ).

I think Jax told Unser he would tell him everything (Gemma killing Tara) if he called them off.

Once they all woke up (not at 1:00am when Jon&Doc Boy tried to get everyone up) their dad just jokingly listed things they could do first as opposed to presents. Then they screamed "Presents!" of course, and did that first.

Jon & Doc Boy waking their Dad up at just past midnight (1:00am, I believe) to try and open presents, him telling them 'no', and them grumbling "It is technically Christmas now, you know?" "Well I know that, and you know that…" will always be the best thing ever to me. I don't love watching anything more on Christmas

I agree with everything, of course, but

I just can't with this show anymore… but I got a lot to say about it.

You're entitled to your opinion, too- but how exactly?

"The Andy-Haley-Manny love triangle is about to be a thing. I’m Team Andy."
I don't care that it's not an option- I'm team Dylan.

"I'm not a big fan of "Dad is angry/bitter about his precious little girl's boyfriends" storylines."

I don't have a hard time believing Darrin would care whether or not Mike likes him, but I agree that it's strange he doesn't already know that he won't (or not completely, atleast). They've made it seem that Axl has been friends with Darrin (and Sean) for yeeears. Like, all of highschool & maybe even before- so it's

I didn't really get the point of the Mike&Darrin stuff tonight, though. They already had that conversation once- in the episode that Mike tells Darrin he doesn't need to know anything about him other than the fact that he's a teenage boy dating his daughter, and won't ever really get his full approval. What was with

My hopes for Marry Me:
1. Show some good sides of Annie.
2. Show anyttthing of Jake. Like, who IS he?! I love Ken Marino; make me love Jake.
3. Get rid of Gil. Ugh, even his name.
4. Give the supporting girls more to do.
5. Either figure out a way to use the Dads better or drop them, too. They just seem so… useless.
6. Slow

She came to her house before Max' 'declaration of love', though. So, yeah, she was nice to her then, when Max had been handing out flyers and yelling and pushing, and Dylan had done nothing- but as soon as Dylan opens her mouth, and tells Max to his face how she really feels, Kristina gave her that look.
So she doesn't

1. I think the grade is too nice.

I get why the two shows are put together for the reviews, but it always makes me sad to see The Middle lumped with something else, because it's so great it deserves to stand alone. I still have no idea how it doesn't have more fans… or why Eden still hasn't won all the awards.

Really? I think he looks pretty young (and, in my opinion, very attractive) for his age. It's obvious he's older, but (to me atleast) not by much.

I loved that episode.
"When I get drunk, I eat Ribs!"

She never loved the roller skates guy.
I wouldn't call her "grounded", but she was pretty normal for most (if not all…?) of the first season.