Nebraska Jones

Agree with everything except Buffy was better than Dawn. SMG sounded great in Walk Through the Fire and Going Through the Motions. Give Me Something to Sing About was just waaaayyyy out of her range and that was Joss' mistake. Dawn's voice was extremely nasally on every song…

Seasons 4 and 1 are clearly the worst seasons of the show. CLEARLY. Anyone who doesn't agree with that statement should have their Buffy fandom membership revoked and be banished to dwell on the island of idiots forever!!!

My vote goes for invisible Buffy giving Spike a blowjob in the episode "Gone"…that tied with Warren and his friends about to run a train on Warren's ex girlfriend.

The Silence was actually inspired by "The Gentlemen"

Plz tell me YOU'RE joking! Season 4 was nothing short of epic.Why? I'll give you 10 good reasons right off the top of my head. 1. Angelus! 2. Faith's epic return. 3. Willow's awesome appearance. 4. The Beast! 5. Bada$$ brooding Wesley. 6. Blotting out the sun (genius). 7. Gina Freakin Torres! 8. Wolfram and Heart goes