Joan Jett of Arc

I haven’t heard about that letter in particular. But I’m not surprised. Seriously, many of our founding fathers were slave owners. And there’s no such thing as a benevolent slave owner. That’s an oxymoron. They wrote inspiring (if you wish to view that way) speeches and letters, but let’s not forget that they had some

The latter part about making money from slaves is also important because it actually was hidden by a previous Jefferson scholar. There was a really damning letter from Jefferson himself talking about how great the slave trade was for him and how much money he was making off of it, and how you had to whip them from

I agree with everything you said.

I think that’s a very good point, though this movie in particular is a very political piece of art. But I also think art is valuable and powerful in its own right. Your point is definitely taken, though.

Honestly, I don’t know. I struggle hard with things like this and I don’t have an answer. Gandhi was a shithole wife abuser. MLK Jr. cheated on his wife multiple times. Jefferson raped slaves and talked about how great the institution was for making money. So-called “great men” cannot keep their fucking dicks in their

The basic stance Trump supporters have adopted is something like: “We’ve nominated a candidate who is completely incompetent, disturbingly unhinged, and completely offensive to larges sections of the population. He has done nothing to build a coalition or even run a campaign. ALL THE POLLS ARE FAKED AND IF WE LOSE

I googled Betsy Davis’ name in order to learn more about her and the first article was from the Daily Mail... headline: “Terminally ill woman holds two-day party for her 30 closest friends and family and kills herself at the end”. Does this seem abrasive to anybody else? Or am I just kind of late-night tipsy?


I always wondered about that squeamishness towards death. As a Mexican-American, I’ve had as much fun at family funerals as at weddings. Is it another effect of the Puritan founders: fear of judgement/damnation/the afterlife? I’m just stoked that this means I can actually attend my death party.

My sister did something like this 20 years ago. While it was foreign to my family - we aren’t great about sharing feelings or any “weakness” - i remember thinking how awesome it was to tell her why we loved her before her death. She worked for a political puppet theatre in Minneapolis so it was done in their theatre

Sad and beautiful both.

This makes me so happy. I grew up in Oregon so I never thought much about the choice and took it for granted. A few years ago, my brilliant and successful grandmother decided to end her life in North Carolina because she was tired of living in constant pain from an illness. Watching her choose to end her life at 93

It’s always baffled me that in a country so focused on choice and independence, it’s very difficult to get the information and materials needed to end your life peacefully and on your terms, even if you have a terminal illness.

I have something in my eyes. And my heart.

I’m way more on the blue collar end of things and I find them gross unless it’s with close family. I’m not philosophically against them, I just have a hard time eating food cooked by people I don’t know which is my own weird thing to deal with.

According to my browser, I had never starred this, which doesn't seem possible. It's time I correct that if so. This was a perfectly genius comment, and I don't suspect we will see a comment that resonates with this many people in a long, long time.

+1 Your comment holds both the simpleness and complexity of a masterful joke. Kudos to you and all your much deserved laudations.

I've read Deadspin for years, and this is the first time I've laughed so hard I had to sign up and comment. Well played. I'm a wife who has a wife and we both laughed our asses off.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."