Courtney Aguilar

So I only skimmed this but what I’m hearing is that we need to waterboard Trump?

$55???? Holy fucking shit, fuck you buddy.

Way to go with that tangent that has zero relation to the story. Looks like someone never got over the Travon Martin story. Listen if there is one big failure with Obama so far it’s that he’s stoked all this racial hatred. That’s going to be his legacy and that’s sad because he’s been pretty ok otherwise. He

Eh, there are tons of pictures of him as an actual child. The one used just looks like somebody doesn’t know what he looks like today.


Actually, the one cool outcome of all this would be if Taylor was doing a performance art piece about heteronormativity and ended it by marrying Karlie.

Mutual bearding.

Ahh. Let’s replace the reliable and secure thing with something infinity more complex and likely to break to save 15 seconds of our lives everyday. This is so American it should have been posted yesterday.

South Park made Timmy and Jimmy peers of the main characters. They are not defined by their disabilities, and are annoyed at those who try talk down to them. Jimmy was the hero of a recent season, in which he stands up for freedom of the press at a time when a cowardly town could have cared less.

This is a wonderful piece, and you sound like a great brother. But — as someone who understands the power of certain words, and how they’re used, you should get this — I wish you hadn’t used the phrase “confined to a wheelchair” multiple times. My wheelchair doesn’t have straps or locks that keep me from moving;

I’m sorry, but short of a mechanic saying “the timing was retarded,” there’s no reason for those words in casual conversation, whether you’re talking about someone or not.

The world would be a much, much better place if people could stop for a second and imagine what it would feel like if someone said the horrible shit they’re about to say to someone they cared about. Great article. Thanks.

Well that took a dark turn.

“Hi. I work at the BBC and my job is to vet our top presenters to make sure they don’t embarrass the station” said no one ever?

“If you get your willy out, it’s the funniest thing in the world. Everybody laughs” ....Your Mileage May Vary...

Those who saw Evans expose himself said that it was no big deal.

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

I mean the autopilot obviously failed in the sense that it didn’t see a fucking truck. As designed, the driver is supposed to take over in that situation, and ultimately the fault rests with him, but I don’t think you can consider not seeing and avoiding a 12' high object in the middle of the road a non-failure.

He then jumped into his Lambo, yelled, “Lexit!” and promptly crashed into a wall - that absolutely everyone saw was there all along - massively depreciating the car’s value.

The traction control switch should just be labeled Unsubscribe Me From Future Ferrari Models.