
Nah. Although, we can do a side by side comparison of your motorcycle rider and my non-motorcycle rider and see who has told the most egregious lies. I have always said my ex would walk away with top prize at a lying contest but I wonder how he would do in doubles competition?

I'd agree that there are some couples who end up staying together. And I think THAT is exactly what people in this situation hope for. Even if the odds are that they won't be that couple.

I agree that you shouldn't trust someone who's willing to cheat on their significant other with you but not every situation is black and white. If the person is willing to leave their current bf/gf/spouse as soon as they discover the connection they have with the new person they have met then it's not always a

Very true. I cheated once, was the other woman a couple times, and was cheated on once (that I know of.) But guess what? I grew up, and wouldn't cheat again, or be someone's "on the side" ever again. People do grow and change, and we do everyone a disservice when we ignore that and presume that who someone is at 20

I don't know about "once a cheater" but liars tend to not to stop lying, so there is that to think about.

Its a stereotype with truth behind it. Yes, there are exceptions, such as your friends. I know lots of cheaters too, including an ex who is a close friend. The only things that stop him is 1)he has always got caught 2) his current wife will leave him if he gets caught. Cheating isn't often about finding a better

I don't understand the mentality of women who want to marry the man who cheated on their wives for them. If he did that to their wives, what makes you think they won't do something like that to you? This feckless asshole was never going to marry her but he was adept enough at stringing her along so he got what he