Courthouse Steps

Republicanism is like a dozen donuts on a table where a rich guy, a poor white guy, and a poor black guy are sitting. The rich guy comes, takes 11 donuts, then says to the poor white guy “that black guy wants your donut!”


2 + 2 = LOVE

All aboard the ship of love,

I’m sorry, but until you recognize, publicly, that ogres were eating children for YEARS before witches and warlocks ever did, I can’t view this as anything other than cultural appropriation.

The dark chocolate covered peppermint Jo-Jo’s are even the CLEARLY superior Christmas seasonal.

I feel like the Salsa Refried Beans, Black Refried Beans, and Cuban style Black Beans are often overlooked. I went on a low carb thing and those 3 cans got me to start liking beans after 30 years of detesting them.

Now playing

You needn’t even interact with the artwork to ruin it:

I just posted the same thing.

“I hope that when I die, one day, I’ll die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather did... and not screaming in terror, like the passengers in his car.” - Jack Handey

Boris Johnson’s available.

Agreed. That episode killed me and raised me up again.

Nice pick with the Bosch teaser freezer ep, but the absolute best Hollywood Handbook episode of the year had to be “Triumph at Comic-Con”

The fact that none of the characters in O Brother, Where Art Thou? made the list is a travesty. My wife and I recently realized that we quote that movie at least once a week.

In the Southern Hemisphere you have to put the toppings below the dog because of the Coriolis Effect. That’s just science.

No one should fall from a horse, of course

In case you wanted video folks, here is something from a few years back.

Fair warning, it’s nuts.

Again, very large warning.