
i prefer group classes because i’m in and out in an hour and know i’m getting a high quality workout! jazzercise is very low-judgment, which i have not found to be the case elsewhere (even at my local YMCA locations).

He’s not smart enough to be covert. He’s  Russia’s useful idiot.

Second one, I still contend that he is far to stupid to know what he is doing.

I just wanted to say you did a good job! I am still breastfeeding my baby (toddler!) after almost 18 months, but it was easy for me. I truly admire women who have had challenges with breastfeeding and stuck with it...and I also admire women who know when cash in their chips and say, “this is not working for me/us/my

Anyone who gives you flack for this is a raging asshole you can just ignore. 

No, Meghan doesn’t have to do anything regarding her family to make you or anyone else feel better.

Meh, from that picture above all I see is Demi Moore after her 3rd face lift.

It’s amazing how you can write so much but not be saying anything at all.

Oops my bad. Perhaps it was the glaring entitlement and hubris oozing out of your posts that made me think so. Oh well, you win some you lose some.

I’ve had partners where I couldn’t give an actual fuck about their pleasure

I mean, that’s white supremacy in a nutshell. It’s the idea a straight (cis) white (rich/well-off) man is the normative mean, the Greenwich Mean Time that presents the starting point from which all other ideas and identities are measured in degree of divergence from that central identity. A white man and his ideas are

Are they renting that thing out when Trump’s trip is over? Because I feel like someone should follow him around with it. 

She was laughing about how she didn’t believe me.

I know of a few parents who would feel more chagrinned than amused to find they caused their child needless pain. 

so I, as a dem, am declaring war on Law and Order, the show?  I’m an old. I like that show. 

His comment was the straw that broke the camels back. I am the camel and after a decade of seriously dating in NYC I am DONE. Few brief relationships here and there, a LOT of casual sex partners, and a few major heartbreaks...I’m done with dating in the typical sense. I think it’s a good thing to admit when something

Also, there’s no such thing as being in a relationship, where somebody couldn’t compose something that said ‘I felt threatened.’

Peter Fonda,


Lol yes, make working out great again. Why do we care whether people are dressing up or down to the gym again? Did Amy know she was becoming an activist when these photos were taken? I personally like to braid my hair for all physical activities whether it’s working out or fixing up the house because my hair is heavy