
they can’t charge a husband and wife for the same crime...

Right? I mean she worked in PR before the White Hourse, who would want that woman representing them? Especially in NYC and companies within the fashion industry.

I think having the facial hair (and the head hair) of a serial rapist lends great credibility to his claims of innocence.

even the least contentious celebrity divorce is going to get media coverage

well that was Freudian

Maybe AG can use her time healing to reflect on her life and try to write a real song instead lamely talking over a bunch of reheated dance beats somebody found dropped behind the DJ booth from 1993.

I have friends in common with him too - actually know his brother - they spent their summers growing up in Montauk when it was still a sleepy fishing village.  He goes back quite regularly because his parents live there now and he goes to the local dives with his old Montauk friends.  Super nice guy - so nice to see

Does this rule also apply to masturbation? Asking for a friend.

I have fully compartmentalized the myriad dreadful things I’ve heard about Debra Messing, and will continue to do so until supporting her work becomes fully problematic tyvm. 

I have friends in common with him, and he is universally liked (and not in a BRO! kinda way).

Yes, you sure showed Jerry O’Connell...what an egregious thing he did. That name was so terrible. /s

The bar is very low for those of us in positions of privilege. You come off as downright magnanimous just by dropping the defensiveness and admitting you were wrong, so I don’t know why more people don’t take this tack. 

Yeah, I thought of that after I posted. I think of Matthew Broderick as the real villain in that one, but Tracy is still a frequently unsympathetic character, so it probably counts.

I mean, it was a line that wasn’t really given the time or resources to succeed and given up on way too early, if that isn’t fitting for a ‘millennial beer’ then I don’t know what is. Only way it could be more millennial is if they decided to let the unsold inventory hang out in Budweisers basement indefinitely. 

This would have been the second time in less than 12 months that Hollywood gave us both a feature film and a “prestige cable miniseries” on the same topic.

Ugh. One word. Thor. Go away with your nonsense about Cultural appropriation. Its bollocks. 

True story:

I knew an actor’s kid. Actor was a major player on a sitcom (said show is still well known and in syndication) and is Very Wealthy. S/he still gets a decent amount of work. Other parent is very Not Wealthy. Like, I believe other parent was some sort of assistant on set. Child was born out of wedlock.


Lordy lord. I would have screamed bloody murder at him if I was his lawyer or agent. Foolishness doesn’t do justice to such a self-destructive financial decision. Talk about a lack of foresight.

Pushing Daisies was a more painful cancellation