
Both she and Warren were right. There are two sets of cards. Because auditors on both sides of the stage have a copy. Once the category is called the auditor who didnt hand the card throws their card away. But the auditor forgot to do so. So, Warren Beaty was given Emma Stones card AND Emma Stone still had her card.

Italian people are white.

And she genuinely won Best Actress, which she didnt have to return. 

Many suspected the award may have been designed for Black Panther, a superior Best Picture-level superhero movie that might have gotten sidelined to the popular category.

All of those involve reporting on the story just like this article. Not bashing them for seeking out prostitutes.

Source? This site is always pro-sex worker.

People donated for a homeless man not to buy some jerks a BMW and let them gamble. They didn’t deserve a cent and any such deal would be theft.

I just went through my history for months and the only comments of mine found on The Root was from this article and they are saying the priest who threw out a black family from Church was an irredeemable jerk. And then one other pointing out that people cant press charges.

I’ve come across his arguemnts a lot among the greys on The Root. That is not a letter of recommendation.

And the police are in positions of power but rather than be held to a higher standard they are given license to kill. And the very idea that no one in the black community does anything about “black on black violence” is pure BS. There are many community based organizations focused on things as varied as gang

The family asked because he had given eulogies for the family in the past. Those past ones doubtless stuck to the topic because it wasn’t a national platform.

Noooo! I was so looking forward to this series. And theyve ruined it with this casting.

The Cosby Show was in pretty much constant syndication for many years. And Elvin is a very recognizable person. Come on.

Its a scam that everyone is in on including bloggers.

I can’t stand her but Ariana Grande is genuinely talented.

Woman, 31. If it’s a date just go for it if the mood and setting are right. Kissing is expected contact on a date. And you should be able to tell if she’s not feeling it.

Disney created this category (Oscars air on ABC) along with other changes (like putting some award in commercial brekas) to help boost the ratings. Disney would be ECSTATIC if Black Panther won Best Picture. It would be printing money for them.

Wasnt Disney the one that forced the new category to be created, in the first place?

but it sounds like he was upset about a less than supportive costar torpedoing his career.

Yeah that’s exactly the same thing as spreading harmful “medical” advice.