
It’s “subtext” is so damn in your face it practically bangs you over the head with every other word

I don’t think you made it past the first 1/3 of the book.

You are a terrible human being for being jealous of victims of abuse.

I live in Massachusetts and there is a Chinese food restaurant on a corner near by that has been crashed into three times! This is a Massachusetts thing I guess.

The idea that NH drivers are any better is laughable though.

s to Scott, the husband, not being present at the time of Laci’s disappearance.

It takes the womans attentions off of the spouse. Not just because of the mother doting on her coming child or potential to love it more or anything. But pregnancy is freaking exhausting. You dont have energy to do things you usually do like clean up after your husband or boyfriend, make sure all of his meals are coo

I don’t think anyone claimed it was a great showing. But it made money. It didn’t lose it. Thus, was financially successful.

If he pardons Manafort, that leaves Manafort wide open to being COMPELLED to testify without being able to plead the 5th Amendment.

Rory wa always awful.

1) So?

She’s excellent on The Good Place. And that’s a really petty, silly reason to dislike someone.

It had $28 million gross.

lso true of every Golden Girls star who had been on better shows before

Chuck was awful to Jimmy. But he was arrested and suspended for his OWN ACTIONS. Actions that completely screwed over Chuck.

How is it remotely whataboutism? You took objection to her saying they were baby killers. Which was literally true. Whataboutism is pointing to something else bad.

In that set speech she did call US troops “babykillers”

When Fonda was with Vadim she ran around being a perfect French housewife,

I liked the Manson episodes that branched out into all of the weird connections. I didn’t love the ones about the murder or the cult as much.

You really should have been paying attention. She wasn’t talking about POWs (and no that isn’t in front of prison cells.)