You are dead to me, wearebarnacles. Dead to me!!
You are dead to me, wearebarnacles. Dead to me!!
Honestly, as much as I love him on Sunny Glenn Howerton is the worst thing about this show. This episode highlighted it more than any so far.
I don’t mean he seems like a bad guy with all sorts of skeletons in his closet or anything. Just like someone who would pout all through dinner and find everyone around him “vapid.”
Wilmer is notorious for liking them young and “waiting” until they turn 18. He dated Lindsay Lohan before she turned 18 (legal age of consent in California) and then they only officially acknowledged it after her birthday.
No, it’s equally true of many gay men who may not want to be monogamous but like to be in settled relationships.
Honestly, it’s never OK to cheat but he seems like a total tool in real life.
He was just a classy guy. You don’t get genuine class very often. I feel like of this generation of stars Michael B. Jordan has the potential to be close to his mixture of beauty, class, and kindness.
Even though the stereotype is of women being relationship crazy the truth is a lot of dudes just don’t like being alone, at all. They might cheat. But they want a girlfriend/wife at home when they get there.
CofE wasn’t created by Henry VIII. It was created by Elizabeth I so she wouldn’t be a bastard.
And even more examples of them not going to jail for bizarre crimes. Robert Durst was a free man. Harvey Weinstein raped people and prosecutors didn’t even press charges. OJ Simpson got off. Bill Cosby is a free man. It took years for Phil Spector to be convicted.
But if he’s never been questioned on his BS before how would he know that limit?
Classic for a reason!
that someone is sexually turned on by decapitating them
He’s a wealthy white man who is accustomed to nobody questioning him.
I agree with a lot of this but florals are growing on me.
While I was expecting Witherspoon to put on that questionable Southern charm and overdo her excitement to the point of my own exhaustion, nothing she’s doing here feels like an act.
This is a serious problem because when you let white men handle certain topics they make horrible decisions.
It’s so crazy how some people don’t respond well to a random “hey tell me if you’ve ever been sexually assaulted!”