
I can’t believe he’s quitting in March. It’s not even Fantasy Football season.


 I do too! But it’s such a great face I just want to say “baby, you don’t have to try that hard.”

You know the same thing happens on the Bachelorette right? With dudes in the female roles.

But they are all prepared for those break-ups. It’s part of the show. This was completely out of the blue.

Whatever. Anyone would be better than Cuomo. And if you currently need some sort of gimmick to succeed that’s a problem with our whole nation not just this.

I think it’s usually the opposite. Like Facebook was all for college kids once. Now it’s for grandmas. Twitter is dominated by old men suffering from dementia (OK maybe just one of those...) But Tumblr seems to have gotten younger. A lot of fan sites and fanfic.

I’m not outraged. I made a joke. You’re the one getting all worked up about how cool it is for adults to talk about horny teenage patients on Tumblr.

Honestly, I like his face so much that his body almost seems like a distraction.

Still pretty young. I SINCERELY doubt that orthodontist is 18-29. Maybe a Doogie Howser of braces situation.

“I think that the reason why I did it in the way that I did it was because I wanted everyone here and at home to know that this was on me. And it wasn’t on you.”

Writes about their teenage patients being so turned on by a shirtless dude!

Tumblr is a platform dominated by younger people and porn.

This time when the nanny steals the husband it’ll be doing the wife a favor.

Isn’t “being thirsty” the gravest sin the gravest sin a celibrity can comit? You can be ambitious, but don’t let it show

Yes, but the rules have always been that on the show.

I’m going to reserve judgment on Meghan Markle until her half-sister’s ex sister-in-law’s podiatrist weighs in. That’s the only way to really know her.

That’s your opinion because you want to judge woman for watching this but not men for watching men give each other severe head injuries that lead to dementia. But, fine another example, you never watch porn then either, right? Not once in your life.

Dude, I gurantee you’re a hypocrite on a million things you don’t reflect on. And it’s only EVER women who get this sort of BS pushback.

But... there would be no plot if they were brothers.