Androsterone Silva

The best one was the Seinfeld parody, just titled "Seinfeld"


Yeah, liar liar was a patently horrible film, but at the same time, he was funny in it

If you have to ask, you're streets behind

Work on your reading comprehension bud.

It doesn't change the essence of what I was saying.

Oh, didn't catch that. *She*
Is that better? Do you feel better now?
Are you feeling validated now?

You're right for sure. The film looks horrible.
I like campy, janky horror films as much as the next guy, and by that, I mean not very much.

Is that what I said?
No, no it isn't.
What you did there, was construct a straw man argument. You, in an effort to argue with me, made a statement which implies that I took a position that I did not take.
I didn't suggest a fan of his should write the review, just maybe not someone who clearly has strong negative

I never said I was a fan of KS, nor do I think the writer of this article "doesn't get it", nor did I insinuate that someone with "a preexisting love for KS" should review it. You set up so many straw man arguments it's hard to keep up.
What I was saying was that since the writer couldn't manage to hide their contempt

The writer clearly isn't a Kevin Smith fan, so why would he be tasked (or task himself) with writing this review? Of course it's going to be largely negative. The distaste for Smith is palpable thoughout.

The interviewer must be a big fan of the song. He basically argued with MB the whole time.

Kazaa used to have lot of parody songs falsely attributed to Weird Al.
They are making a joke about that.