
No one hates Star Trek as much as aT fan.

Slavery is allowed under the Constitution if you are a prisoner.

Better Call Saul

It’s confounding to me that when this comes up NOBODY considers a dance belt or a cup, and either lets it hang out or jumps straight to something like life-destroying dick-shrinking pills. Seems like no one ever talk to wardrobe unless it’s how to make the starlets boobs bigger (which no one ever complains about)?

No bread is so good that it doesn’t benefit from toasting. Sub-par bread def benefits from toasting.

Dr Manhattan may have cosmic concerns on his mind, but he should still understand the meaning of 18 yrs old and asking for consent.

Raising Rudy-

Not the most essential chapter of the Breaking Bad universe, but Aaron Paul owns the screen and Gilligan’s writing&directing grab you from the first frame.