
There is a lot of blending of concepts here. A boosted fission device is considered to be a single stage, even though both fission and fusion are occurring. The fission is the main source of the energy with fusion simply providing neutrons to boost the efficiency of the fission yield. The fusion is typically enabled

For the same reason that American politicians focus on abortion and gay marriage and about a dozen other wedge issues and pointless things: because as long as we’re all getting worked up about those issues, we won’t notice that we’ve allowed our country to devolve into a corrupt oligarchy that sacrifices personal

It’s Kimi, that’s the second best praise you’ll get out of him. He’ll either call it “good”, “ok” or “shit”. And then he’ll tell you to leavehimaloneheknowswhathesdoing

The reason the Americans won the Revolution was because they captured the British Army trapped at Yorktown.

A man was knocked down by a bus and he got right back up and walked into a bar.

LOL, I love it. Also reminds of this Hot Wheels that just came out, the Aristo Rat.

Let’s be clear that China isn’t “expanding” to anything close to what the US has done. At best, China is creating a defensible perimeter against the most obvious threat in the world. Russia is doing much the same. And given what both of those states have seen the US do in the past couple decades, can anyone reasonably

I’ve been to at least 4 parties in my life. 8 if I’m allowed to count my own kids’ birthday parties

I bet they’re all safer than a motorcycle with five people on it, which is realistically what these cars are competing with. Making the cars safer will make them more expensive, which will make more people stick with the motorcycles, which will make them less safe.